Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Gujarat High Court Jobs

Gujarat High Court Jobs 

Website :
 No. RC/0719/2017

Starting date for submission of On-line application 23/05/2017(12.00 noon)
Closing date for submission of On-line application 22/06/2017 (23:59 Hrs.)

Tentative Schedule
Date of Preliminary Examination  (Elimination Test) 13/08/2017
Date of Main Written Examination 10/09/2017 Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview) Month of October / November-2017

1 .   Vacancy and Pay Scale :
      (i)     The High Court of Gujarat, in view of the guidelines issued by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the Case of Malik Mazhar Sultan & Anr. V/s.  U.P.  Public  Service  Commission  &  Ors.,  &  as
per  the provisionsprescribed  under  ‘The  Gujarat  State  Judicial  Service Rules, 2005’, invites Online Applications, from eligible candidates, for  filling  up  approximately 97 Regular & 32 Ad-hoc Vacancies (existing  &  future), for  selection,  by  way  of  Competitive Examinations, for the Cadre of Civil Judges,in the Pay-Scale of Rs. 27,700 – 770 – 33,090 – 930 – 40,530 – 1080 – 44,850+
Allowances, as admissible under the Rules. The category-wise break-up in respect of  the  Regular  as  well  as  the  Ad-hoc  vacancies,  are  as shown hereinbelow:

Regular Vacancies = total 97
Ad-hoc vacancies = 32

Notes : 
(i)   If  suitable  Candidates,  belonging  to  the Reserved Categories are  not  available  for selection in the Final Select List, the posts would be filled-up, as may be directed by the High Court in its Full Court Meeting.
(ii)   The High Court reserves its right to alter the number of posts than notified.
(iii) ‘Online Recruitment Applications’  window  will  open  on 23/05/2017 (from 12.00 Noon).
 The closing Date & Time for the same will be 22/06/2017 (23:59 Hrs).
(iv) The Preliminary Examination(Elimination  Test)  is  tentatively  scheduled  to  be conducted on 13/08/2017.
(v) The Competitive Examinations shall comprise of:
(A)    Main Written Examination, and 
(B)    Viva voce Test.

2.Essential Qualifications :
(i)   A  prospective  Candidate  must  possess a  Degree  in  Law  from  a University recognized by law in India & -must  be practicing as an Advocate  in  Courts  of  Civil  and  /  or Criminal Jurisdiction
on the last date fixed for submission of On-line Application.  Candidates,  who  have  passed  the Degree  in  Law  from  the academic year 2009-2010 and onwards,  must  have  also  passed  the
All India Bar Examination, in order to be considered as eligible for being termed as a Practicing Advocate.
                  OR -
must  be  working  in  the  Courts  or  other  Allied  Departments  on the last date fixed for receipt of applications.
[See instruction at Item No.11(7)]

Candidates working in the Courts or other Allied Departments, should  be  holding  LL.B.  Degree  of  03  Years’  Course  or  05  Years’ Course from the recognised University.
(ii)  Must  possess  Certificate(s),  certifying  to  be  possessing Basic Knowledge  of  Computer  Application  /  Operation,  issued  by  a Government Institute or other recognized Institute, as
 set out by the Government  of  Gujarat  in  General  Administrative  Department Resolution   No.   PRCH-102005-1532-K,   dated   30/09/2006   and Resolution No.CRR-10-2007-120320-G.5 dated 13/08/2008. 
3.Age Limit:
As  on  the  last  date  fixed  for  submission  of  Online  Application,  a candidate belonging to General Category must not have crossed the age of 35 years and others i.e. in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes  or  Scheduled  Tribes  or  Socially  &  Educationally  Backward Classes,  declared  as  such  by  the  Government  of  Gujarat,  as  well  as orthopedically  Disabled  Persons  &  Ex-Servicemen,  must  not  have completed 38 years of age.
However, relaxation of 05 yearsi.e. up to 40 years in the Upper age limit, shall  be  granted  to  the  eligible employees working in the Courts or other Allied Departments.
  No  further  relaxation  in  Upper  age  limit, shall be granted to them, under any circumstances. 
4.Fees and Mode of Payment :
(i)    The  candidates  belonging  to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Socially & Educationally Backward Classes
PhysicallyDisabledPersons & Ex-servicemen shall be required to pay Application Fees of Rs.400/-  (plus  Bank  Charges)  and  all  other  Candidates  shall  be required to pay fees of
Rs.800/- (plus Bank Charges). The Candidates making payment of such Fees, shall remit the same in Current Bank Account No. 30725811785 with the State Bank of India, High Court Complex  Branch,  Ahmedabad,  held  in  the  name  of Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat, Sola, Ahmedabad, through any of the Core Banking Service Branches of the State Bank of India using
the  ‘Cash  Voucher’  in  the  special  ‘Format’,  appended  to  this Advertisement, from 23/05/2017 to 22/06/2017 during Bank working Days and Hours. 
(ii)   Application  Fees  once  paid,  shall Not  Be  Refunded  in  any circumstances. 
(iii)  Application without payment of Application Fee will be treated as   invalid.

5.Scheme ofExaminations & Syllabus :
(I)The Preliminary Examination(Elimination Test) :  (Tentatively scheduled for 13/08/2017.)
The  Candidates  would  be  able  to  download  their ‘e-Call-letter-cum-Admission Slip’ from the OJAS Portal ofNIC i.e.
from 07/08/2017.
(i)The  Preliminary  Examination  (Elimination  Test)  shall  be  of 100 Marks,the duration whereof will be 2 Hours, consisting of Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)
 each of 01 M ark with Negative Marking of 0.33Mark  for  each Wrong / Multiple  Answer,  and  would  be based on the following Syllabus :
Part – A
(1)The Indian Penal Code, 1860
(2)The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
(3)The Indian Evidence Act, 1872
(4)The Gujarat Prohibition Act, 1949 (Old Bombay Prohibition Act)
(5)The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Only Chapter XV
II) Part – B
(6)The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908                
(7)The Limitation Act, 1963
(8)The Indian Contract Act, 1872
(9)The  Constitution  of  India  -  [Part-III- Fundamental  Rights (Articles 12 to 35A) & Part-IVA - Fundamental Duties]
Part – C
General   Knowledge,   English   Language,   Test   of   Reasoning, Numerical & Mental Ability and Basics of Computer Applications.
(ii)The language of 75 Questions in the Preliminary Examination, will be English, whereas the remaining 25 Questions will be in Gujarati.
(iii)Preliminary Examination Paper (Objective Type) shall be assessed / evaluated by the Computer, as per entries made on OMR Sheet. As the evaluation is being done on the
Computer by Scanning, there is no human intervention and hence, queries relating to rechecking of the OMR Sheets,  subsequent  to  the  Preliminary  Examination,  will
not be entertained by the High Court. 
(iv)  The  Candidates  securing  a  minimum  of 50%  Marks  in  the Preliminary Examination shall be declared as eligible for being called for Main Written Examination.
However,the Marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination, shall not be taken into consideration for preparing the Final Merit List of the candidates.
(II)  (A)  Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) : 
 (Tentatively scheduled for 10/09/2017)   The Candidates would be able to download their ‘e-Call-letter-cum-Admission  Slip’  from  the  OJAS  Portal  ofNIC i.e.
from 04/09/2017.
(i)“The Main Written Examination shall consist of Three Papers, based on the Syllabus given below :
Paper- I : (CRIMINAL)
[Marks : 75, Duration : 02½ Hours, Timings : 08.00 am to 10.30 am]
(1) The Indian Penal Code, 1860
(2)The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
(3)The Indian Evidence Act, 1872
(4)The Probation of Offenders’ Act, 1958
(5)The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
(6) The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
(7) The Gujarat Prevention of Gambling Act, 1887
(8) The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956
(9)  Pre-conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994
(10)     The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881(Only Ch.XVII)
(11)     The Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 

Paper – II : (CIVIL)
[Marks : 75, Duration : 02½ Hours, Timings : 11.30 am to 02.00 pm]
(1)       The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
(2)  The Limitation Act, 1963
(3)  The Indian Contract Act, 1872
(4)   The Indian Partnership Act, 1932
(5)  The Specific Relief Act, 1963
(6)  The Gujarat Court Fees Act, 2004
[Marks : 50, Duration : 01½ Hours, Timings : 03.30 pm to 05.00 pm]
(1) જરાતી  યાકરણ
(1) જોડણી
(2) સમાનાથ અને િવ ધાથ શ દો
(3) #ઢ%યોગોના અથ' અને વા(%યોગ, વગેર*(આ  િવભાગ-ું  ધોરણ  ુજરાત  સેક*/ડર0  એኒ3ુક*શન  બોડ'ના  ધોરણઆ  િવભાગ-ું  ધોરણ  ુજરાત  સેક*/ડર0  એኒ3ુક*શન  બોડ'ના  ધોરણઆ  િવભાગ-ું  ધોરણ  ુજરાત  સેક*
ડર0  એኒ3ુક*શન  બોડ'ના  ધોરણઆ  િવભાગ-ું  ધોરણ  ુજરાત  સેક*/ડર0  એኒ3ુક*શન  બોડ'ના  ધોરણ-12 12 12 12  ના  ુજરાતી  િવષય ના  ુજરાતી  િવષય ના  ુજરાતી  િવષય ના  ુજરાતી  િવષય ((((ઉ7ચતર ક9ાઉ7ચતર ક9ાઉ7ચતર ક9ા
ઉ7ચતર ક9ા) ) ) ) ની સમક9 રહ*
શેની સમક9 રહ*શેની સમક9 રહ*શેની સમક9 રહ*શે....)
(2) ભાષાંતર (ુજરાતીમાંથી ሶ=ે> અને ሶ=ે>માંથી ુજરાતી)”
(ii)  Language of Question Paper-I & Question Paper-II of Main Written Examination shall be English. Answers to Questions of Papers I & II of Main Written Examination may be given either in
English or in Gujarati, if not instructed otherwise.
(iii)  The Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes, securing  minimum 45% Marks  and  all  other  Candidates  securing minimum 50%  Marks  in  the  Main  Written  Examination  shall  be eligible for being called for Viva-voce (Oral Interview) Test, provided the Candidate has secured minimum 40% Marks in each paper.
(II)  (B)  Viva-voce (Oral Interview) Test :
 (Tentatively scheduled for the month of October/November,2017)
(i)Viva-voce Test shall be of 50 Marks.
(ii)The objectof the Viva-voce Test is  to  assess  the  suitability  of  the Candidate for the cadre by judging the mental alertness, knowledge of  law,  clear  and  logical  exposition,  balance  of  judgment,  skills, attitude,  ethics,  power  of  assimilation,  power  of  communication, character and intellectual depth and the like, of the Candidate.

In view of the amended Rules viz. Sub Rule (1)(i) of Rule-11 of ‘The Gujarat  State  Judicial  Service  Rules,  2005’,  since  ‘Character’  and ‘Suitability’,  of  a  Candidate,  holds  an  important  and  para
mount place,  for  being  considered,  for  Appointment  to  the  State  Judicial Service,  therefore,  kindly  note  that,  these  aspects  can  be  inquired into, by the Competent Authority, prior to the Viva-Voce (Personal Interview), as per Annexure -‘A’: Annexure-‘A’
Name of the Candidate
Advocate / Employee
Place of Employment, if any / Place of Practice, if any 1.
Whether  the  Candidate  lives beyond  his  known  means  of income?  If  yes,  please  mention specific  details  in  support  of
your opinion. (Please attach the documents, if any).
2.Whether  he  mixes  with  such persons as he should not? If yes, please  mention  specific  details in  support  of  your  opinion. (Please annex the documents, if any).
3.Whether  any  adverse  report  / complaint  doubting  integrity  of the  candidate  in  relation  to  the cases   attended   by   him   is received? If yes, please mention specific details and its outcome,
in  support  of  your  opinion. (Please annex the documents, if any.
4.As  a  Competent  Authority  if you  have  learnt  about  doubtful integrity  of  the  candidate  from any    other    source,    please mention  the  specific  details  in support of your opinion (Please
annex the documents, if any). |

Name of the Candidate Advocate / Employee
Place of Employment, if any / Place of Practice, if any
5.If the Competent Authority has no  knowledge  of  the  above facts,  it  may  inquire  from  the source like (i) Judicial Officer at Taluka  level  (ii)  Head  of  the Department   in   which   the
candidate   is   serving,   (iii) concerned  Bar  Council,  giving details  of  complaint  if  any, received  against  the  candidate, and  submit  the  specific  details as indicated above.
6.In  addition  to  what  is  stated above, the Competent Authority must   mention   the   specific details  of  adverse  remarks,  if any,  departmental  inquiry,  if any,   whether   pending   or
concluded,  in  relation  to  the integrity   of   the   candidate, supported by necessary material.
(iii)  For  being  eligible  to  be  included  in  the  Select  List,  the  Candidate must have obtained a minimum of 40% Marks in the Viva-voce Test.
Note : 
At  the  time  of  Viva-voce  Test,  a  Candidate  may  be  required  to demonstrate his / her practical knowledge in ‘Basic Knowledge of Computer Application’.
6.   Preparation of Select-List :
(i)  Selection of candidates shall be made on the basis of aggregate marksobtained by the candidates in the Main Written Examination& Viva-voce Test.
(ii) The  Select  List  shall  contain,  on  the  basis  of merits,  the  number  of candidates equal to the vacancies notified.

7.   Conditions for Ad-hoc appointment :
1)    The  candidate  shall  be  appointed  for  a  fixed  period  up  to 29/02/2020,  the  period  vis-à-vis  sanction  has  been  granted,  or  till the posts are abolished, whichever is earlier.
2)    Appointment shall be purely on ad-hoc and temporary basis which may be terminated at any time without notice.
3)    (a)   During the period of ad-hoc service, a candidate shall not be eligible to receive any Increments. He/She shall receive pay and other allowances and perquisites in the minimum of the
Scale   of   Civil   Judge   including   official   residential accommodation as per Rules, subject to availability.
(b)   He/She will be entitled to seek only Casual Leave and Leave Without Pay as per Rules applicable to Regular employees.
(c)   He/She  would  be  liable  to  be  transferred  and  posted anywhere in the State.
4)   The appointees shall have to undergo the same period and nature of Training  which  the  candidates  appointed  on  regular  basis  have  to undertake.
5)   His/Her Service would be liable to be terminated at any time, if the performance is not found satisfactory.
6)   The  appointee  on  the  basis  of  such  ad-hoc  and  temporary  service shall  have  no  right  to  be  regularized  in  permanent  establishment.
He/She however, would be considered for appointment on regular basis, in his/her turn, subject to suitability and satisfactory service record which shall be judged by the High Court, if durin
g the period of  his/her  ad-hoc  service,  regular  vacancies  are  available  as  per Rules.
7)   However, upon eventual regular appointment, if any so made, the period  spent  by  the  employee  on  ad-hoc  basis  shall  not count towards  seniority  or  for  any  other  purpose  including  pay
  fixation, but shall be countable for pensionable service. 
8)   Upon appointment on regular post, the candidate shall be placed on probation  as  per  the  Rules  and  shall  be  regularized  only  upon satisfactory completion of probation. He/She however, s
hall not be required to undergo the Induction Training, again.

For authentic information visit official website of Gujarat High Court

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