Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Govt Jobs in Assam

Govt Jobs in Assam

OIL INDIA LIMITED (OIL)a Navratna Public Sector Undertaking,is a pioneer national upstream Oil and Gas Company with a pan India presence with growing global footprint, engaged in Exploration, Production and Transportation of crude oil, natural gas and manufacture of LPG with its Field Headquarters at Duliajan, Dist. Dibrugarh, Assam, 786602.
Oil  India  Ltd.  invites  applications  from eligible Indian  Nationals,  to  fillup  the  following  postsin  Grade ‘C’in  the  pay-scale  ofRs. 32900-58000.

Post Name;-Senior Engineer-Drilling
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;- UR:32,SC/ST:37,OBC:35
Educational Qualification;-Graduate degree in Engineering

Post Name;-Senior Engineer-Field Engineering
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;-UR:32,OBC:35,
Educational Qualification;-Graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering (excluding Automation/Automobile/Industrial/Manufacturing/Power/Production/Mining/Marine Engg etc.)

Senior Engineer-Pipeline
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;- UR:32,SC:37,OBC:35

Senior Engineer-Production
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;-UR:32/34*OBC:35/37
Educational Qualification;-Graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering (excluding Automation/ Automobile/Industrial/ Manufacturing/ Power/Production/Mining/Marine Engg etc.)/Petroleum Engg
Post Graduate degree in Petroleum / Petroleum Technology

Senior Engineer-Civil
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;-UR:32
Educational Qualification;-Graduate degree in Civil Engineering
Senior Chemist /Senior Research Scientist
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;-UR:34,SC:39,OBC:37
Educational Qualification;-Post Graduate degree in Chemistry with PCM at Graduation level

Senior Biotechnologist
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;-UR:32/34*
Educational Qualification;-Graduate degree in Biotechnology Engineering
Post Graduate degree in Biotechnology

Senior Officer-HR
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;-UR:34,OBC:37
Educational Qualification;-Post Graduate degree in Management/ Business Administration / Personnel Management. / Social Welfare / Social work / Industrial Relations

Senior Engineer-IT/ERP
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;-UR:32,OBC:35
Educational Qualification;-Graduate degree in Computer Science /IT Engineering

Senior Engineer-Telecom/ Instrumentation
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;-UR:32,OBC:35
Educational Qualification;-Graduate degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering / Instrumentation Engineering

Senior Officer-HSE/ Senior Engineer-Fire Service
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;-UR:32/34*,OBC:35/37*
Educational Qualification;-Graduate degree in Engineering Or Post Graduate degree in Environment / Environment Engg. / HSE

Senior Officer-PA
Age limit (in years) as on12.08.2017;-UR:34
Educational Qualification;-Post Graduate degree in Mass Communication / Public Relations / Social Work  / Rural Management

All courses should be recognised by AICTE/UGC
Educational Qualification;-Graduate Degree in Engineering should be of minimum 04 years duration

Post graduate courses should be of minimum 02 years duration
Minimum 60 % marks in qualifying examination in Graduate / Post Graduatedegree courses for above mentioned posts.

Post  Qualification  Relevant  Experience  as  on 12.08.2017:
The  candidates  should  have  minimum  of 03 years  of  post-qualification working experience in Govt./ Public / Private Sector Companies.
Duliajan –786 602, Assam

1Senior Engineer -Drilling
Knowledge  of operating Alternate Current (AC)/Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR), Variable Frequency Drive  (VFD) drilling and work over rigs
Knowledge of operation of the rigs and down hole complicacies, well control
Knowledge of operating draw works and handling of friction and joystick brake
Knowledge to trouble shoot rig equipment and tools in drilling and work over rigs
Knowledge  of  HSE, statutory  rules  and  regulations  as  per  Mines  Act,
Oil  Industry  Safety  Directorate  (OISD)
rules, well site management etc.
Knowledge of inter disciplines, conversant about mud chemicals and maintena nce of mud property

2Senior Engineer -Field Engineering(FE:01)
Knowledge  of  maintaining,  operating  in  Industrial  workshop  or  Process  plant/power  house  /  design,  laying maintenance of cross country pipeline
Knowledge  of  selection  /  design  /  maintenance/ overhauling  of  Internal  Combustion  (IC)  engines  like  diesel,  gas, petrol and pumps like reciprocating, centrifugal etc.
Knowledge of Installation/operation/maintenance of water treatment (potable or waste) plants.
Knowledge of Design /maintenance / servicing of hydrocarbon storage tanks

3Senior Engineer-Pipeline

Knowledge of the Pump Station pumping operations which includes custody transfer of Tanks
Maintenance aspects of IC Engines, Centrifugal & Reciprocating Pumps
Knowledge of Pipeline pigging operation
Knowledge  of  the  Safety  Standards  as  per  the  latest Oil  Industry  Safety  Directorate  (OISD)  norms followed  in Pipeline operations.
Knowledge of starting of Pumping operation in co-ordination with Dispatch control room
Knowledge  of  Safe  Starting  of  Pump  Engines  along  with  the  auxiliaries  for  pumping  operation  and  stopping  of  the same during pumping shutdown

4Senior Engineer-Production

Knowledge of production, testing and handling of Oil and Gas wells
Knowledge  of operation  & maintenance  of  oil/gas  production  installations  including  tank  farm,  custody  transfer  of crude oil etc.
Knowledge  of design,  engineering,  procurement  & execution  of  projects  involving  oil/gas  process  plant,  Effluent treatment plant, petrochemical plant and Piping & Pipeline works.
Knowledge  of well  intervention  activities  like  well completion,  design &  execution,  well  killing  & enliving  using CTU/NPU unit, handling of down Hole tools & tackles like Packers, Fishing Tools, Sampler etc.
Experience in well killing, packer setting/unsetting, well activation, spool testing etc.

Knowledge  of  design,  installation,  operation  and troubleshooting of  Artificial  lifts  like  gas  lift,  SRP,  ESP and PCP, Well   optimization   through   NODAL   analysis   and   application   of   industry   standard   software.   Operations   and maintenance of CTU, NPU, Pumper unit, Acidization Unit etc.
Knowledge of safety standards as per Central Electricity Authority (CEA), OMR, DGMS (Director General of Mines Safety), OISD, CIMFR etc.

5 Senior Engineer-Civil
Experience  in execution  of  major  /  minor  projects  in  buildings,  roads,  bridges,  & culverts  or  any  civil  engineering infrastructure
Working  experience  in  structural  design,  field  survey,  preparation  of  bar  charts,  civil  engineering  drawings,  project planning,  procurement/  billing,  preparation  of  estimates/BOQ,  BBS  (Bar  Bending  Schedules)  with  knowledge  of IS/IRC codes etc.
Knowledge of working in GPS, AUTOCAD, STAAD PRO, Primavera, MS Project, ERP (SAP)
Experience of preparation of specification of all civil components related to respective Projects / Preparation of civil layout drawings/ plot plan/ contour survey of in stallations with the help of Auto CAD
Knowledge  of  preparation  of  detail  specification  of civil  items  along  with  quantity/ examine/analyse/approve  civil diagrams/drawings prepared by Contractors / preparation of bill of quantities/ contact documents.
Experience in calculation of civil items/equipment’s requirement at site and maintain inventory.
Experience of compliance of execution of all civil jobs at site as per contract terms & conditions/Close and constant monito ring of civil activities carried out by Contractors at site
Knowledge of project safety standards of Oil & Gas installations as per Directorate General of Mines Safety(DGMS),  Oil Industry Safety Directorate(OISD) and Central Institute of Mining and Fuel R
Knowledge of quality control and prescribed test as per relevant IS code for various construction materials.  


6 Senior Chemist / Senior Research Scientist
Knowledge  of  preparation  and  maintenance  of  drilling  and  work  over  fluids  with  adequate  rheological  properties.Experience of preparing at site and analysis as per requirement
Experience of maintaining different statutory norms of regulatory bodies pertaining to Chemical operations and safety guidelines
Experience  of  resource  planning  for  well  site  operations  viz.  ensure  availability  of  resources  such  as  equipment, reagents and other consumables / calibration of standard reagents and measuring equipment / proper housekeeping, record keeping and reporting
Knowledge of preparation/documentation of all reports like drilling wells, field report, cementing operation reports
Experience of working in a reputed Biotechnology / Microbiology laboratory preferably in upstream petroleum sector
Good knowledge and understanding of oil and gas field operations, Microbiology, Chemistry, Geosciences etc.
Experience of working as scientist / JRF in a DST recognized research laboratory / institution / CSIR laboratory in the relevant discipline / IITs / ISM University in relevant discipline
Experience  of  working  as  a  scientist  in  organizations  /  undertakings  wholly  owned  or  financed  by  Central  or  State governments
Desirable Achievements: Publications of  research papers /  articles in  peer  reviewed journals / conferences.  Ph.D in relevant discipline. Filing patents as a sole or joint inventor

7Senior Biotechnologist
Good knowledge and understanding of oil and gas field operations, Microbiology, Chemistry, Geosciences etc.
Knowledge of algae bio fuel, Bioremediation, Phytoremediation, Microbial EOR
Knowledge of biotechnological applications in IOR, Microbial prospecting etc.
Knowledge  of  setting  up  necessary  lab  facilities,  cultures  and  characterization  of  microbes,  characterization  of products, study in field etc.
Knowledge to work towards commercial/field implementation
Knowledge and understanding of oil and gas field operations, reservoir engineering, PVT studies, EOR chemistry etc.
Experience of working in a reputed Biotechnology / Microbiology laboratory preferably in upstream petroleum sector
Desirable Achievements: Publications of research  papers / articles in peer reviewed journals / conferences.  Ph.D in relevant discipline. Filing patents as a sole or joint inventor

8 Senior Officer-HR
Knowledge of activities of Administration, Personnel, Learning and Development, Employee Relations functions of an organization
Working knowledge about disciplinary proceedings, labour laws, PSU, Govt service rules etc.
Working knowledge in dealing with contractual workers and wage administration
Experience in Recruitment & Reservation matters
Experience of working in payroll system
Experience in Training Activities
Working knowledge of Human Resource Information System, Performance Management System.
Working  experience  in  Enterprise  Resource  Planning,  preferably  in  Systems,  Applications  and  Products  in  data processing(SAP)

9 Senior Engineer -IT/ERP
Experience  of  Networking –Local  area  network,  Wide  area  network,  Voice  over  Internet  Protocol,  Internet  Protocol radios
Experience  of  Software  development –Systems,  Applications  and  Products  in  data  processing(SAP),  Network Enabled Technologies(NET), Java, Hypertext Preprocesor (PHP)
Experience of Database –Oracle, Structured Query Language(SQL O)
Knowledge of Operating system –Windows server, Linux, Unix
Knowledge of IT security
Working  experience  either  in  SAP (Business  Intelligence  (BI)/Business  Objects  (BO)/Business  Planning  and Consolidation  (BPC))  or  SAP  (Materials  Management  (MM)/E-tendering)  (during  last  five  years)  in  Government  / public / private sector corporate using SAP-ERP system.
Working   experience in   SAP   environment   and   knowledge   of   SAP-MM   (Materials   management)   and   SAP-SRM(Supplier  Relationship Management) Module and experience of handling and using new procurement tools like e-tendering and reverse auction in any Government./Public/Private sector organization of repute
Experience of understanding the nature of the issues experienced by the bidder and attending the same as  per the
procedure. Experience of attending to the Supplier Enlistments portal  registration, Vendor and Material Master Data
Mana gement, Other allied jobs assigned as part of support services.
Working  experience  in  BI/  BO  /  BPC  tools  ,  ABAP,  Workflows  and  SAP  SRM  system  would  be  given  due

10Senior Engineer -Telecom/ Instrumentation
Knowledge about IP Networking and Data Communication
Knowledge   about   Radio   Communication   systems,   various   types   of   Antennas,   Radio   Frequency   systems, Transmission  cables,  Optical  Fibre
communication,  High  Frequency(HF)/Very  High  Frequency(VHF)/Ultra  High Frequency(UHF) Communication systems etc.
Knowledge about operation and maintenance of Electronic Telephone Exchanges (Switching systems) including Main Distribution  Frame,  Overhead  and
underground  Telephone  distribution  cables  and  Analog  &  Digital  telephone instruments
Knowledge  about  operation  and  maintenance  of  Power  Plant  systems  (Batteries  and  Float-cum-booster  chargers
systems) utilized for Radio Communication systems and Switching systems.
Knowledge  of  maintenance  of  Instrumentation  system  in  Gas  Compressors,  Oil  &  Gas  Processing  Plants,  Gas  Gathering Stations, Drilling rig, Power plant, Tank Farms, Gas fired Heaters, Boilers, CODP, Nitrogen Coil Tubing & Pumper  Unit,  Hot  Oil  Circulation  Unit  etc./maintenance  of safety  Instrumentation  systems used  in  Oil  &  Gas installations etc.
Knowledge of maintenance of advanced Instrumentation Systems installed in Oil & Gas installations like PLC, Field-Bus Technology, Supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA), Distributed Control system (DCS) etc.
Knowledge  of  repairing,  servicing,  calibration  &  testing  of  pneumatic  and  electronics  instruments  in  instrumentation  workshops utilising available test/calibration equipment
Knowledge   of   Requirement   analysis,   identification   of   suitable   instrumentation   system   with   proper   technical specifications,
installation & commissioning and monitoring & control of inventory, stock & spares of instrumentation systems
Working knowledge in SAP_ERP module

11 Senior Officer-HSE / Senior Engineer-Fire Service
Ensuring Health, Safety and Environment in Drilling and Production installations, well monitoring jobs, well scrapping jobs, well control jobs, well stimulation, well serving jobs, production t
esting, water injection stations, MSG operations, Operation and Maintenance of boilers and any other production operation related activities.
Ensuring  following  of  all  Directorate  General  of  Mines  Safety(DGMS),  Oil  Industry  Safety  Directorate(OISD),  Oil Mines Regulations(OMR) & Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) guidelines
Knowledge of safety briefing to all, conducting safety meeting during crew change/pre job safety meeting/inspection of well sites/ascertaining safety equipment with all personnel a
t work site/inspection of installations/co-ordination with installation  manager  /  Engineer  in  charge  /  enquiring  the  circumstances  and  causes  of  accidents/collect,  compile,
analyse  information  in  respect  of  accidents,  organizing  regular  safety  education  programmes,  ensuring  safety, firefighting and first aid training to all new workers
Should have practical knowledge of fire prevention & protection measures. 
Knowledge of safe and effective operation of all the firefighting equipment and testing / knowledge of preparation and updating of Fire Contingency Plans for all types of emergency situation.
Knowledge  of  general  supervision  and  coordination  during  control  and  extinguishment  of  any  fire  and  its  effective tackling / checking promptness of response duri
ng mock drills, its deficiencies and effective tactics / ensuring timely attendance  of  fire  calls  by  fire  crew  for  minimizing  loss  of  property  and  life  /  knowledge  of  advice  and  assist
management in achieving high degree of fire safety standards.
Ensure firefighting training as per statutory requirement / ensure reporting/information of fire incidents/emergencies to management and its investigations / ensure fire safety audits time to time & its review / ensure participation in regular mock  fire  drills,  evacuation  drills,  on  site  &  off  site  disaster  mock  drills  etc.  /  ensure  day  to  day  administration  & discipline  in  fire  service  /  ensure  compliance  &  monitoring  of  scheduled  inspection,  testing  &  maintenance  of  all firefighting equipment & systems installed at site as per statutory/advisory requirement.
Knowledge of conducting Pre commissioning Fire Safety Audit of new locations and regular Fire Safety Audits &its review  /  observance  of  the  provisions  of  the  Act,  Regulations  and  Orders  in  all  firefighting  measures  /  ensure inspection & testing of all major firefighting equipment, appliances such as Fire Tenders, Trailer Fire Pumps, BA sets,
other tools & tackles etc. for readiness to attend any emergency on round the clock basis.

12 Senior Officer-PA
Knowledge of preparation of community development and sustainability plans
Experience of negotiation with various stakeholders for successful boundary management
Experience  and  basic  knowledge  in  Research  Methodology  for  preparing  Concept  notes,  project  reports,  feasibility reports and Detailed Project Reports (DPR)
Knowledge    of    Implementation    of    Corporate    Social    Responsibility(CSR)    projects    /    Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)  information, collation and Dissemination
Knowledge of carrying out need assessment surveys / social audits
Experience in preparation of Budgets
Knowledge of Management Information System(MIS)

In general, the candidates should be proficient in corres pondence in English language, preparation of various reports and should have good working knowledge in computers.

A  candidate  will  be  eligible  to  get  the  benefit  of  community  reservation  only  in  case  the  particular  caste  to  which  the candidates belong is included in the list of reserved communities issued by the
Government of India.

Candidates  seeking  age  relaxation must  submit  requisite Caste/  Tribe certificate in  the  prescribed  format (available  at http://www.oil-india.com/oilnew/Current-openings)
at  thetime  of  Document  Verification. Otherwise,  their claim  for  reserved status (SC/ST/OBC-NCL) will not be entertained.

If  the  SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PWD  certificate  has  been  issued  in  a  language  other  than  English/Hindi,
the  candidates  will  be required to submit a self-certified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi.

The OBC candidates who belong to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled for concession admissible to OBC-NCL candidates.

Persons with 40% or more disability only would be eligible for the benefit of reservation to PWD category against identified posts only.

Age  relaxation  of  10  years  is allowed  (total  15  years  for  SC/ST  and  13  years  for  OBC-NCL) to PWD  candidates for appointment to Group ‘A’ posts/services. The persons claiming age relaxation under PWD category would be required to produce a certificate in prescribed formats (available at http://www.oil-india.com/oilnew/Current-openings)
in support of their claims  clearly  indicating  that  the  degree  of  physical  disability  is  40%  or  more.  In  any  case,  the  appointment  of  these candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in accordance with the standards of medical fitness as prescribed by the Government for each individual Group ‘A’ posts to be filled for  PWD  candidates through Direct  Recruitment  by Selection.

Age relaxation is allowed for candidates who have ordinarily domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 as per Government guidelines.

Age relaxation is allowed to Ex-servicemen as per Government guidelines.

Candidates’ applying for the posts mentioned has to pay an Application Fee as under Category Application Fee amount applicable Unreserved / Other Backward Class Rs. 500/-Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / PWD

The selection of the candidates will be conducted in three phases:
Phase I-Written Test,
Phase II-GD &Viva Voce
Phase III-Pre Employment Medical Examination (PEME)
The candidates who qualify in Phase I i.e. Written Test will only qualify for the next round of selection tests i.e. GD and Viva Voce.

Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs.32900-58000 (starting Basic Pay of Rs.32900) in Grade C. The selected candidate will have to serve a probationary period of one year and will be confirmed after successful completion of the same.
Approximate  total  emoluments  in Grade  C will  be  around  Rs.94000  pm approximately.  In  addition  to  the  Basic  Pay  & Dearness   Allowance   (DA) ,   other   benefits   include House   Rent   Allowance   (
HRA) or   Company   leased/self-leased accommodation, Leave encashment, free medical benefits for self & dependents, Gratuity/PF, House Building Loan, Vehicle Loan, Group Insurance, etc.
as per rules of the company.

Appointment to the above posts will be subject to the candidates being medically fit as per the standards prescribed for the posts  by  the  OIL  Medical  Board.  The  provisionally  selected  candidates  will  have  to  undergo  Pre  Employment  Medical Examination  (PEME)  conducted  by  the  OIL  Medical  Board  and  will  be  finally  selected  to  join  OIL  only  after  he/she  is
declared medically fit by OIL Medical Board. The decision of the OIL Medical Board will be final and binding.
The posting  of  the  selected  candidates  can  be  in  any  of  the  operational  areas/offices  of  OIL  as  per  requirements  of  the company. The services are also transferable as p
er requirement of the company.

Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply.
Candidates applying for the above posts must have passed the prescribed qualifications through full time courses.
All qualification should be from an Indian University/ Institute recognized by AICTE/ appropriate statutory authority.
No manual/ paper application will be entertained.
Candidature  of  a  registered  candidate  is  liable  to  be  rejected  at  any  stage  of  recruitment  process  or  after  recruitment  or joining,  if  any  information  provided  by  the  candidate  is  false  or  is  not  found  to  be  inconformity  with  eligibility  criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
The E-mail ID entered in the online application form must remain valid for at least next one year from the date of filling the online application. No change in the E-mail ID will be allowed, once entered. All future correspondence would be sent via E-mail only
Candidates,  if  shortlisted  for  the  next  stage  of  the  selection  process  are  required  to  bring  their  original  testimonials, certificates, No Objection Certificate (NOC), a set of copies of the same
at the time of interview. The following documents will only be accepted at the time of verification:Birth Certificate, Matriculation/10th Standard pass certificate/ admit card indicating date of birth, or mark sheet of
Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent issued by Central/State Board indicating date of birth in support of their claim of age will only be accepted.

Degree/Diploma  certificate  along  with all mark  sheets  pertaining  to  all  the  academic  years/  consolidated  mark sheet  as  proof  of  educational  qualification  claimed.  In  the  absence  of  Degree/Diploma  certificate,  provisional certificate along with mark sheets pertaining to all the academic years will be accepted.

Percentage  of  marks  would  be  the  aggregate  of  all  semesters  irrespective  of  the  norms  /  system  being  followed  in  the Institute/University.  Wherever  CGPA/OGPA/DGPA  or  Letter  Grade  in  a  degree/  diploma  is  awarded,  its  equivalent percentage  of  marks  must  be  indicated  in  the  application  form  as  per  norms  adopted  by  the  Institute.  Rounding  ff  of percentage would not be allowed.

OIL  reserves  the  right  to  cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify/alter  the  recruitment  process,  if  need  so  arises  without  issuing  any further notice or assigning any reason whatsoever.

Candidates employed with Government departments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies have to produce No Objection Certificate at the time of interview without which they would not be allowed to appear for the same.

Candidates  working  in  PSUs  must  have  at  least  one  year  experience  in  the  next  lower  grade  in  the pay  scale of Rs. 24900-50500.

Reservation/relaxations for PWD candidates will be as per Government Directives.Persons with 40% or more disability only would be eligible for the benefit of reservation to PWD category against identified po
sts only.

Caste    certificate    by    candidate    as    SC/ST/OBC-NCL,    in    the    prescribed    format    (available    at http://www.oil-india.com/oilnew/Current-openings)  from  the  competent  authority  indicating
clearly the candidate’s caste/community, the Act/ Order under which the caste is recognized as SC/ST/OBC-NCL and in case of OBC-NCL candidates that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) and the village/ town the candidate is ordinarily a resident of will only be accepted. Please note that no other format of SC/ST/OBC-NCL caste certificate shall be accepted.

PWD  certificate  in  prescribed  format(s)  (available  at http://www.oil-india.com/oilnew/Current-openings)  issued  by  the competent authority will be considered for appointment to the post on the basis of prescribed standards of Medical Fitness. The  Competent  Authority  to  issue  PWD  certificate  shall  be  a  Medical  Board duly  constituted  by  the  Central  or  a  State Government. The Central/ State Government may constitute Medical Board(s) consisting of at least three members out of which at least one shall be a specialist in the particular field for assessing Locomotor/ Cerebral / Visual / Hearing disability,
as the case may be. Please note that no other format of PWD certificate shall be accepted.

If  the  SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PWD  certificate  has  been  issued  in  a  language  other  than  English/Hindi,the  candidates  will  be required to submit a self-certified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi.

Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply

Candidate need to choose centre of choice for written test while applying online among Guwahati, Kolkata and New Delhi.

The  candidates  called  for  the Group  Discussion/  Viva  Voce  only will  be  reimbursed to  and  fro  II  tier  AC  TRAIN  FARE (AT  BASE  FARE  ONLY,  EXCLUDING  RAJDHANI  EXPRESS)  as  may  be  admissible,  from  the  declared  nearest  railway station  up  to  the  venue  of  the  Interview,  subject  to  production  of  tickets.  However,  for  to  and  fro  travel  within  North  East region and upto Kolkata, air fare will be paid on production of proof of travel by air

Canvassing in any form will result in cancellation of the candidature.  Any dispute with regard to the recruitment against this advertisement will be under jurisdiction of Dibrugarh District Court only.

Candidates  fulfilling  the  above  criteria  may  apply  online  on  the  website www.oil-india.com from 13.07.2017(10:00 hours) to 12.08.2017(18:00 hours).
The  last  date  for  on-line  submission  of
Application  Few through  any  Debit  /  Credit  Card/  Net  Banking  through (Axis Bank Payment Gateway) is 16.08.2017 up to 23:59 hours.

Candidates  should  have  a  valid  personal  e-mail  ID  and  mobile  number.  It  should  be  kept  active  during  the  entire recruitment process. Registration Number, Password, and all other important commun
ication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID (please ensure that email sent to this mailbox is not redirected to your junk / spam folder).

Candidates should take utmost care to furnish the correct details while filling in the on-line application.

CANDIDATE CAN EDIT THE INFORMATION BEFORE SUBMISSION OF STEP-I and STEP-II. Once the form is submitted, it can not be edited.

The step by step process for submitting the application form for Recruitment –Grade ‘C’ is given below:

Step-I:  Registration  of Personal  Details and  Contact  details.  Login  Id  and  password  will  be  sent  to  you on registered e-Mail Id.
Step-II:  Login  to  complete  the  Personal  Details, Experience  Details,  Qualification  Details,  Declaration  in  the online Application Form.
Step-III:  Login  for  payment  of Application  Fee  after  24  hours  of  submission  of  Application  Form  through Online mode via Debit card, Credit card or Internet banking through Axis Bank
Payment Gateway.

Application once submitted cannot be withdrawn and fee once paid willnot be refunded in any case, neither shall be held reserved for any other recruitment nor selection process in future.
Step I Registration:
Candidates  may  visit  our  website http://www.oil-india.com/oilnew/Current-openings and  click  the  APPLY  ONLINE button under Recruitment in Grade C.

Candidates agreeing the terms & conditions may apply by clicking 'I Agree' Checkbox pressing the 'Start' button while applying online.

The candidate should fill up all the desired information i.e. Personal Details, Contact Details, etc. correctly.

On completion of Step-I registration, a message will be received in candidate’s registered email id conveying his/her “Application Number”,“Login ID” and “Password”.

Step II Completion of Application Form:
After  registration, a candidate  has  to  login  and  complete  other  details  in the application  form  like  Personal  Details, Qualification Details, Experience Details, Declaration, etc.
Instructions  regarding  scanning  of  Photograph,  Signature  and  Certificates:  Candidates  should  upload  the  scanned (digital) image of their photograph and signature as per the process given below. The applicant should note that only jpg/jpeg format is acceptable:
i. Photograph Image:
Photograph  must  be  a  recent  passport  size  colour  picture  on  light  background  (not  older  than  03 weeks).
Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face.
The size of the scanned image should be between 50kb -
100kb in jpg/ jpeg format only.
ii. Signature image:
The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black ink pen.
The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page.
Size of file should be between 10kb –50kb in Jpg/jpeg format only.
iii. Certificate image:
Please scan the relevant Certificates.
Each Certificate in JPG/JPEG/PDF format only and Size of file should be between 50kb –1000kb.
All  the  details  given  in  the  Application  Form  will  be  treated  as  final  and  no  changes  will  be  entertained.  After successful  registration,  system  will  generate
a  unique  registration  number.  Candidates  are  required  to  keep  the printout of the registration slip which will be generated by the system after successful registration.
Step III Online Application Fee Deposition:
Candidate needs to re-login and click the link/tab “Make Online Payment” active after 24 hours of submission of the application. Once Axis Bank payment portal is opened, then DO NOT click Refresh or Back Button.

Steps to be followed in Axis Bank portal for Online Payment:
1.System will redirect you on OIL INDIA LTD. page of Axis Bank payment portal.
2.Enter Application Number in the required field.
3.Kindly  check  &  confirm  the details  shown  on  the screen  i.e  Name, Mobile  Number, e-mail  ID, post  &  category, DOB in dd/mm/yyyy, etc., and click on Submit/confirm Button.
4.Select the Online Payment Option.
5.Kindly  make  the  online  payment  via  credit  or  debit  card  or  Net  banking  and  retain  the  transaction  number  for future reference.
Candidates  are  advised  to  keep  with  them  the  copy  of  the  e-receipt  as  a  token of  remittance  of  fee  for  futurereference.

Candidates are advised not to attempt for registration more than once for one post. In case of multiple registrations, his/her application submitted last will only be considered for eligibility.

Candidates  may apply  for  more  than  one  post  meeting  the  eligibility  requirements.    Such  candidates  will  have  to register and submit separate applications for each post and pay “Application Fee” as applicable.

After depositing the application fee through online mode, youmay check the status of application form after 3 days.

In case the same is not reflecting, you can mail to Helpdesk mail id: oilindiahelpdesk.2017@gmail.com with scanned copy of e-receipt about the same.

If  there  are  any  technical  queries/  clarifications  relating  to  the  filling  up  of  ONLINE  APPLICATION,  candidates  are advised to contact the helpdesk at Email: oilindiahelpdesk.2017@gmail.com or Phone No: 18002669783.

All the details given in the Application Form will be treated as final and no changes will be entertained.

a.Commencement of online registration of application by candidates 1307.201710:00 hours
b.Last date of Close of registration and submission of application12.08.201718:00 hours
c.Last Date of close of On-Line submission of “Application Fee” through any Debit / Credit  Card/Net Banking (Axis Bank Payment Gateway) 16.08.2017 23:59 hours
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