Sunday, 25 December 2016

Jobs in Hyderabad

National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) 

Rajendranagar, Hyderabad -500 030jobs in hyderabad

Jobs in Hyderabad

(An Organization of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India)

MANAGE MANAGE  invites  applications  from  interested  professionals  to  work as  Consultants  in the  Centre for  Agri-entrepreneurship Development (CAD),  MANAGE. The  appointment  will  be  made  on  contract  basis initially for a period of one year (which is likely to be extended based on the performance)
on a monthly consolidated salary of Rs.42,000/-.
Three   (3)   postsof   Consultants will   be   filled   by   competent  professional with  the following background:
Post  Graduate  in  Agriculture  and  allied  disciplines/  Master  in Science/ ABM.
Sound    knowledge    in    market    survey,    project    preparation, establishment   of   micro,   small   and   medium   agri-ventures,
emerging agri-business activities and knowledge on bank finance for agri-ventures.

Good  proficiency  in  Computer Applications & Communication and Documentation skill.
Age not more than 45 years.
Eligible professionals may sendtheir applications along with complete CV   and scanned   copy   of relevant documents through
Last date for receiving applications is 21thJanuary 2017.
Director (Agril.Extn.& CAD)

Friday, 23 December 2016

Government Jobs in India.

Government Jobs in India.

Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (A Mini Ratna-Central PSU)
G.T. Road, Kanpur.


Artificial  Limbs  Manufacturing  Corporation  of  India  (ALIMCO)  invites  applications  from  young  and  energetic  Indian  citizen

for  engagement  CNC  Operators,  ERP  Engineers  &  Design  Engineer  on contract basis for a period of one year. For further details  please log on to

The last date  of  submission  of  application  is  31.12.2016

Application  received  after the last date would not be taken into consideration and are summarily rejected.

Senior Manager (P&A) Essential qualification, number of post, Remuneration, Place of Posting and Experience

1CNC Operator
Diploma  in  Mechanical  Engineering or   Production   Engineering   and   3   Years  relevant  experience  as  CNC  operator   in   a   reputed   organization   preferably in manufacturing Sector   

2. Software Engineer (ERP implementation)
BE/B.Tech Degree    in    Computer    Science /IT or MCA With 60% marks and      1      Yrs. Experience

3. Design Engineer
BE/B.Tech Degree in Mechanical Engg. With 60% marks and 3 Yrs.

Terms and Conditions
1.        The  eligible  and  interested  persons  may  send  their  application  alongwith  copy  of  testimonials  duly  self  attested  in  the  requisite  proforma
  given  at  Annexure-I  and  Annexure-II only through e-mail at on or before 31.12.2016 till 5:00 PM. The applications
receive  after  31.12.2016  till  5:00  PM  shall  not  be  entertained.  “NAME  OF  THE  POST  APPLIED FOR” must be mentioned. Only Indian Nationals need to apply.

3. Physically  fit  and  mentally  agile  candidates  below  the  age  of  35  years  as  on  31.12.2016    having adequate experience will be considered.  A candidate will be considered only for one post for which he/she has best qualification and experience. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

4.  Tenure  Initially  for  a  period  of  one  year  which  may  be  extended  or  curtailed  at  the  sole  discretion  of  the  Corporation.  Engaged  person  shall  have  no  claim  for  appointment  on  regular  basis  by  virtue  of  being  engaged  on  contractual  basis.    The  incumbents  are  liable  to  be  transferred/ posted anywhere in India at the discretion of ALIMCO.

5.The  selected  candidate/s  should  be  able  to  join  at  the  earliest.  Candidates  should  ensure  that  they  full  fill  the  eligibility  criteria  prescribed  for  the  post  they  have  applied  in  case  it  found  at  any stage of selection process or even after appointment that the candidate has furnished false or incorrect information or suppressed any relevant information/ material facts or does not full fill the criteria, his / her candidature / services are liable for rejection/ termination without notice. 

6.During    the    validi  ty  of  the    Contract  of engagement,  whi  le  on duty,  engaged  person  shall 
(i) ob  serve   the   punctuality   &   di  scipl  ine    
(ii)   attend Offi   ce   on all   wor  king     days,   and, if necessary  on holidays.     If  requi  red,   he  /she  will  have  to  work even be  yond  normal  of  fice hours.

7. The  engaged pe  rson will    be    ent  itled to dr  aw  a  con  sol  idated monthl y  remuneration as mentioned above in the respective post.  During the   valid
ity of this contract.  No ot  her allowance remuneration shall  be  pa  yabl  e  to    hi  m/he  r  on account    of    working  on holidays  and/  or    out  side offi
ce  hours.  However,  he/she  will  be  entitled  to  casual  leave  one  day  for  each  completed  calendar month.

8.    Thi  s  Contract  of    engagement  is  terminable  by  the Corporation at any point  of time without  prior  not  ice     if    the  perfor  mance  of  the  engaged  person  is     not    found satisfactory.

9. The   engaged person also reserves      his/her   right   of     termina  ting   thi  s   Contract   of engagement   by    giving   the   Corporation   one   month’s   prior   not
ice   in   writing   or payment  of  consolidated  remuneration for   one   month in   lieu   thereof.

10. If   the   engaged     person    do  es    not    attend    of  fice    on    any    working      day,    the remuneration would   be   worked   out   by applying  the following    formula:-Numbe  r of   wor  king  days on which   of  fice has been   attende  d  

x Monthly RemunerationNumber of working  days in the   month

11. The engaged person will   have no right to claim any additional be  nefit/compensation/absorption/regularization   of  services  in   the    Corporation during  or    after the   period of engagement  under any provision.

12.  The   engagement  will be   for a period of one year. However,  de  pendi  ng  on   the requi  rement of  the    Corporation and the    performanc  e  of  the    person
engaged,   the  pe  riod of  engagement can    be    extended.   The   services    of    the    cont  ract  empl  oyee    will  be    terminated   at  any    time  even  before     the    completion  of  the    said period of  one year.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Textile Technology jobs

 Textile Technology jobs                        textile technology jobs

National Handloom Development Corporation Limited (A Government of India Undertaking)
10th & 11th Floor, Vikas Deep Building, 22 Station Road, Lucknow- 226 001

Applications  are  invited  from  the  interested  candidates’  fulfilling  the  eligibility  criteria given as under –
1.   Chief Manager (Comm.)
Qualification & Experience: 
Degree in Textiles Technology /Textiles Engineering / Handloom Technology from a recognized university. MBA with specialization in Marketing will be preferred. 16 yrs
experience  out  of  which  5  yrs.  in  the  scale  of  29100-54500  or  its  equivalent  in  a  reputed  organization  of  Central  Govt.  /State  Govt./  PSU  /  Private Sector.  The  incumbent must have 7 yrs. experience in the field of marketing/production of yarn.
Essential:    Working  knowledge  in  computer  applications  such  as  MS  Office  and  internet etc. 
No. of Post   :  02                    (01 General, 01 reserved for SC)
Pay Scale: 32900-58000 (IDA)
Age: Not exceeding 48 yrs.

2.   Sr. Manager (Comm.)
Qualification & Experience: 
Degree in Textiles Technology /Textiles Engineering / Handloom Technology from a recognized university. MBA with specialization in Marketing will be preferred. 14 yrs
experience  out  of  which  5  yrs.  in  the  scale  of  24900-50500  or  its  equivalent  in  a  reputed  organization  of  Central  Govt.  /State  Govt./  PSU  /  Private  Sector.  The  incumbent must have 7 yrs. experience in the field of marketing/production of yarn.
Essential:    Working  knowledge  in  computer  applications  such  as  MS  Office  and  internet etc. 
No. of Post   01  (Reserved for SC)
Pay Scale: 29100-54500 (IDA)
Age;: Not exceeding 45 yrs.

3.   Dy. Manager (Comm.)
Qualification & Experience:  Degree in Textiles Technology /Textiles Engineering / Handloom Technology from a recognized university OR Diploma in Textiles Technology/ Textiles Engg./ Handloom Technology  from  a  recognized  university.  MBA  with  specialization  in  Marketing  will  be  preferred.  5  yrs  experience  in  case  of  Degree  holder  and  12  yrs  in  case  of  Diploma holder (out of which 5 yrs. in the scale of 16400-40500 or its equivalent) in a reputed  organization  of  Central  Govt.  /State  Govt./  PSU  /  Private  Sector.  The  incumbent must have 3 yrs. experience in the field of marketing/production of yarn.
Essential:    Working  knowledge  in  computer  applications  such  as  MS  Office  and  internet etc. 
No. of Post   :  04                    (02 General, Reserved posts 01 ST, 01 OBC)
Pay Scale: 20600-46500 (IDA)
Age: Not exceeding 45 yrs.

4. Superintendent (Comm.) 
Qualification & Experience: Degree in Textiles Technology /Textiles Engineering / Handloom Technology from a recognized university OR Diploma in Textiles Technology/ Textiles Engg./ Handloom Technology from a recognized university. Fresher in case of Degree holder and 4 yrs experience in case of Diploma holder in the field of marketing and production of yarn (out  of  which  3  yrs.  in  the  scale  of  9000-21000  or  its  equivalent)  in  a  reputed  organization of Central Govt. /State Govt./ PSU / Private Sector. 
Essential:    Working  knowledge  in  computer  applications  such  as  MS  Office  and  internet etc. 
ii)  Candidates  having  working  knowledge  on  Tally  /  Baan  ERP  will  be      given preference. 
No. of Post   :  05              (02 General, Reserved posts -01SC, 01 ST, 01 OBC)
Pay Scale: 10800-24500 (IDA)
Age: Not exceeding 35 yrs.
Other Benefits:In addition to pay, HRA and other fringe benefits e.g. LTC, Gratuity, Leave Encashment, Children    education    reimbursement,    Medical    reimbursement    and    Conveyance    reimbursement etc. are admissible as per rules of the Corporation.
General Conditions:     
i) Appointment will be on regular basis and only Indian Nationals need apply. 
ii)  Corporation  has  its  presence  across  the  country  and  incumbent  on  selection  may be posted/transferred any wherein in India. 
iii)      Internal  candidates  with  requisite  qualification  working  in  the  next  lower  scale  will only be considered.
iv)     A non refundable “Account Payee” demand draft for Rs. 300/- drawn in favour of  National  Handloom  Development  Corporation  Limited  on  any  Nationalized 
Bank  payable  at  Lucknow  is  to  be  enclosed  along  with  prescribed  application  form.  No  other  mode  of  payment  is  acceptable.  Candidate  should  mentioned 
his name and address on the reverse side of DD. 
v) No fee is payable by SC/ST/PWD and internal candidates. 
vi)     Incomplete/unsigned     applications     and     applications     received     without     photographs,  fee,  attested  copies  (attested  by  Gazetted  officer)  of  required 
certificates    such    as    educational    qualifications,    experience    certificate,    caste/community  certificate  etc.  and  those  received  after  the  last  date  will 
summarily be rejected without any communication to the candidate. No original certificates are to be annexed with the application form.   
vii)     Those  working  with  Government  and  Public  Sector  Undertakings  must  apply  through proper channel only.  
viii)   Candidates  working  with  Government  and  Public  Sector  Undertakings  may  also apply for selection on deputation basis.
ix)      Reservation  and  age  relaxation  for  SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-  servicemen  shall  be  as per Govt. directives.
x)  Candidates  belonging  to  SC/ST/OBC/PWD/  Ex-  servicemen  category  should  enclose copy of the certificate issued by the Competent Authority to that effect.
xi)     Candidate  belonging  to  OBC  category  are  required  to  produce  the  recently  obtained  OBC  Certificate  (Non  creamy  layer,  not  older  than  6  months  as  on  date of advertisement) in the format prescribed by the Govt. of India, issued by the Competent Authority.
xii)    The appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their medical fitness for  such  appointment  based  on  Medical  Examination  as  per  directives  of  the 
xiii)   Age  and  experience  may  be  relaxed  at  the  discretion  of  the  competent  authority in deserving cases. 
xiv)    Mere  eligibility  will  not  vest  any  right  on  any  candidate  for  being  called  for  the  interview.   The   management’s   decision   in   all   matters   will   be   final.   No   correspondence will be entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of selection/interview.
xv)    Canvassing in any manner would entail disqualification of candidature.
xvi)   Management  will  not  be  responsible  for  delayed  receipt/non  receipt  of  the  applications.   
xvii)  Short listed candidates will be called for interview through registered letters and also informed through e-mail. Out station candidates called for interview will be
paid  train  fare  by  the  shortest  route  (AC  3  tier  in  case  of  Ch.  Mgr,  Sr.  Mgr.  &  Dy.  Manager  and  sleeper  class  in  case  of  Superintendent)  on  production  of  proof of journey.
xviii)  Candidates  called  for  the  interview  are  required  to  bring  original  testimonials,  one  passport  size  photograph,  last  pay  certificate  and  experience  certificates  with them.  

How to apply :
Application  in  the  prescribed  form  (as  per  attachment)  duly  filled  in  enclosing  therewith  demand  draft  and  a  set  of  attested  photocopies  of  the  relevant 
certificates  in  proof  of  qualifications,  age,  category  and  affixing  passport  size  photograph  at  the  space  provided  along  with  checklist  of  documents  enclosed 
should  be  sent  in  sealed  cover  duly  superscribed  as  “APPLICATION  FOR  THE  POST  OF------“as  the  case  may  be,  so  as  to  reach  the  address  given  below 
within 60 days from the date of advertisement:   

Ch. Manager (P&A)           
National Handloom Development Corporation Ltd.
   10th & 11th Floor, Vikas Deep Building   22 Station  Road   Lucknow-  226001.           

National Handloom Development Corporation Limited (A Government of India Undertaking)
10th & 11th Floor, Vikas Deep Building, 22 Station Road, Lucknow- 226 001.

    The  attested  copies  (attested  by  a  Gazetted  officer)  of  the  documents/ 
certificates  should  be  attached  to  this  form  in  the  order  as  mentioned 

Saturday, 19 November 2016



nium recruitment 2016
Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road, Bengaluru–560 091
(An autonomous body under Ministry of AYUSH,Govt. of India)
Tel  : 080-23584260Fax : 080-23584180Date: 12.11.2016

ADVERTISEMENT No.03/2016Applicationsare invited forthe following vacant poststo be filled up as shown against each.
PROFESSORS-06 Posts 1)Amraze-Niswan-Wa-Qabalaton deputation including short term contract.2)Tahffuzi -wa-Samaji-on deputation including short term
contract.3)Ilmul Saidlaon deputation including short term contract.4)Jarahiyaton deputation including short term contract.5)Moalijat on deputation including short term
contract.6)Ilaj-bid-Tadbeer on Direct Basis (UR)Pay  ScalePB-IV  (`37,400 –67,000)  + GP`8,700/-+  NPA  admissible  as  per  the  Central Govt. Rules.
( for Short term contract fixed remuneration of `50,000/-per month)
Agelimit for Direct Recruitment:
Not exceeding 50 years as on the closing date for receipt of application  (relaxable  up  to  5  years  for  candidates  belonging to SC/ST  community  and Govt./Autonomous  body  employees  in  accordance  with  order  issued  by  the  central  govt.  from time to time). Note: The  crucial  date  for  determining  the  age  limit  shall  be  the  closing  date  for  receipt  for those in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh  Division  of  J&K  state,  Spiti  District  and  Pangi  Sub-division  of  Himachal  Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep.
1.  Post  Graduate  Degree  in  Unani  Medicine  in  the  concerned  subject recognised under IMCC Act, 1970.
2. 05 years of teaching experience as Reader/Associate Professor in the concerned subject in PB-III  (Rs. 15,600 –39,100) with GP Rs. 7,600/-with NPA.
3. Minimum four research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.
1.15  years  combined  experience  in  teaching  the  subject  concerned  as  Reader/Associate Professor/Lecturer   in   the   pay   scale   of PB –III   (Rs.   15,600-39,100)   with   GP   of Rs. 7,600/-Rs. 6,600/-and Rs. 5,400/-with NPArespectively out of which minimum 2.2  years  in  the  pay  scale  of  PB-III  (Rs.  15,600-39,100)  with  GP  Rs.  7,600/-with  NPA. Minimum four research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.Deputationincluding   short   terms   contract:Officers   of   Central   Government,   State Government,  Statutory  Organisations,  Autonomous  bodies,  PSUs,  University  or  Research Institutions:Holding  analogous post  on  regular  basis  with  essential  educational  qualification  prescribed  for direct recruitment. ORPersons  having  5  years  experience  of  regular  service  as  eader/Associate  Professor  in  the  pay scale   of   PB-
III(Rs.   15,600-39,100)   with   GP   of   Rs.   7,600/-with   NPA   with   essential qualification prescribed for direct recruitment. OR(i)15  years  combined  teaching  perience  in  the  subject  concerned  as  Reader/Associate Professor/Assistant  Professor/Lecturer PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 7,600/-Rs. 6,600/-and  Rs.  5,400/-with  NPA  respectively  out  of  which minimum  2  years PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 7,600/-with NPA.(ii) Minimum fourresearch publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.
READER :01 Post in Kulliyat(UR) on Direct/Deputation/including Short term contract.Pay  Scale: PB-III  `15,600 –39,100)with  GP `7,600/-with  NPA.(for  Short  term  contract fixed remuneration of `40,000/-per month)Agelimit  for  Direct  Recruits:Not  exceeding  45  years  as  on  the  closing  date  for  receipt  of application  (relaxable  up  to  5  years  for  candidates  belonging  to  SC/ST  community  and Govt./Autonomous body  employees  in  accordance  with  order  issued by  the  central Govt.  from time to time).
Note:The  crucialdate  for  determining  the  age  limit  shall  be  the  closing  date  for  receipt  for those in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh  Division  of  J&K  state,  Spiti  District  and  Pangi  Sub-division  of  Himachal  Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep.  
1.  Post  Graduate  Degree  in  Unani  Medicine  in  the  concerned  subject included in the recognised under IMCC Act, 1970. 2. Five years teaching experience in the concerned subject in PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 6,600/-with NPA. 3. Minimum two research publications indexed in index medicus or National Jou
rnals. OR(i) 10  years of combined experience in teaching the concerned subject as Assistant Professor/Lecturerof PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 6,600/
-and GP of Rs. 5,400/-respectively. (ii) Minimum two research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals. Deputation   including   short   term   contract:-Officers   of   Central   Government,   State Government,  Statutory  Organisations,  Autonomous  bodies,  PSUs,  University  or  Research Institutions:
Holding  analogous  post  on  regular  basis  with  essential  qualification  prescribed  for  direct recruitment. ORPersons  with  5  years  regular  service  of  teaching  in  the  concerned  subject  in  the  Pay  Scale  of PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 6,600/-+ NPA. OR10 years    combined   experience    of   teaching    in    the   concerned   subject    as   Assistant Professor/Lecturer  inthe pay  scale  of  PB-III  (Rs.  15,600-39,100)  with  GP  Rs.  6,600/-and  GP Rs. 5,400/-respectively with NPA.
(i)PG  qualification  in  Unani  Medicine  in  the  concerned  subject  recognized  under  IMCC Act, 1970.
(ii)Minimum two research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.

LECTURER  :01Post inKulliyat(SC) on  Direct /Deputation  including  Short  ContractBasis Pay Band:PB-III (`15,600-39,100) with GP `5,400/-+ NPA.( for  Short term contract fixed remuneration of `30,000/-per month)Age  limit  for  Direct  Recruits: Not  exceeding  35  years  as  on    the  closing  date  for  receipt  of application  (relaxable  up  to  5  years  for  candidates  belonging  to  SC/ST  community  and Govt./Autonomous  body  employees  in  accordance  with  order  issued  by  the  central  govt.  from time to time).Note:   The  crucial  datefor  determining  the  age  limit  shall  be  the  closing  date  for  receipt  for those in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh  Division  of  J&K  state,  Spiti  District  and  Pangi  Sub-division  of  Himachal  Pradesh,
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep.
1)  PG  Degree  in  Unani  Medicine  in  the  concerned  subject  included recognised under IMCC Act, 1970. Desirable:1) Publication and experience in Research. 2) Working knowledge of Computers.Deputation   including   short   term   contract:-Officers   of   Central   Government,   State Government,  Statutory  Organisations,  Autonomous  bodies,  PSUs,  University  or  Research Institutions  holding  analogous  post  on  regular  basis  with  essential  qualification  prescribed  for direct cruitment.

RESIDENT MEDICAL OFFICER :01 POST(UR) on Direct/Deputation /Contract BasisPay Band:`15,600 –39,100 with Grade Pay of `5,400/-Age: Below40 yearsQualification: Essential  : 1)  Degree  in  Unani  of  a  recognized  University/Statutory/Faculty/Council/or equivalent  and  included  in  the  II  Schedule  of  CCIM  Act,  1970.   2) MD/MS  Unani  in  Clinical Subjects.   3)   Enrolment   on   the   Central   Register   of   CCIM   or   State   Register   of   ISM.                                 
4) Knowledge of Arabic/Urdu/Persian.For Deputation:   Officers holding analogous post or five  years regular service  in the grade of Clinical Register/Lecturers in the relevant field or equivalent.

ANESTHETIST:02 Posts On Deputation/ContractBasis. Pay Band:`15,600 –39,100 with Grade Pay of `5,400/-Age: Below40 years
Essential:1) MBBS with M.D in Anaesthesia. Enrolment in the MCI Register.Persons holding analogous posts in the Central Govt./State Govt./Hospitals/
Autonomous Institutions.

RADIOLOGIST :01 Post On Deputation/ContractBasis. Pay Band:`15,600 –39,100 with Grade Pay of `5,400/-Age: Below45years.
Essential:1) M.D in Radiology with three years experience in the relevant field. Deputationfrom Medical College, Hospitals and other recognized Hospitals.
Officers holding analogous post.

STAFF NURSE: 04 POSTS (03 UR, 01 OBC) on Direct Basis.Pay Band:`9,300 –34,800 with Grade Pay of `4,200/-Age :Below 30 years.Educational qualification:
1) Bachelors Degree in Nursing from a recognized University &one year experience preferably  in  Unani  hospital  and dispensaries  in the field. or 2) Diploma in Nursing with three experience in the field. 3) Registered with Nursing Council of India. Desirable:Knowledge of Urdu and Hindi/English.

EEG TECHNICIAN :01 Post on Direct Basis(UR).Pay Band:`5,200 –20,200 with Grade Pay of `2,800/-Age : Below 35 years.
Educational qualification:Essential: Bachelor’s  Degree  in  Science  from  a  recognized  University  with  two  experience  in Laboratory Technology in the relevant field in Laboratory of a recognized Hospital/Institution.

PHARMACIST :01 Post on Direct Basis (UR)Pay Band:`5,200 –20,200 with Grade Pay of `2,800/-Age: Below 30 years.Educational Qualification:Essential:Diploma  in  Pharmacy  with   Unani  subject  from  a  recognized  State  Board  of Education. Knowledge of Hindi/Urdu/English.

STORE KEEPER/UPPER DIVISION CLERK  :01 POST(UR) on Direct Basis.Pay Band:`5,200 –20,200 with Grade Pay of `2,400/-Age : Below 30 years.Educational ualification:Essential: Bachelor’s  Degree  in  Science/Commerce/Arts/Law  from  a  recognized  University. Computer course.
Desirable:Knowledge of Hindi/Urdu. For deputation: Persons holding analogous posts  or eight years regular service in the grade of LDC or equivalent in the pay band of Rs. 5,200-20,200/-with Grade Pay of Rs.1,900/-

JR. STENOGRAPHERS : 02 POSTS (UR) on Direct Basis.Pay Band:`5,200 –20,200 with Grade Pay of `2,400/-Age : Below 30 years.
Educational qualification:Essential: Intermediate  or  equivalent  qualification  with  a  speed  of  40  wpm  in  typing  and  80 wpm in shorthand and computer course.
Desirable: Knowledge of Hindi.

ELECTRICIAN : 01 Poston Direct BasisUR).Pay Band:`5,200 20,200 with Grade Pay of `2,400/-Age : Below 30 years
.Educational qualification:Essential:Two  years  Diploma  in  Electrical  Engineeringor  equivalent  qualification  from  a recognized State Board or Technical Education.

LDC/CASHIER :03 Posts (03UR) on Direct Basis.Pay Band:`5,200 –20,200 with Grade Pay of `1,900/-Age : Below 28 years.Educational qualification:Essential: Intermediate  or   equivalent  qualification  with  a  speed  of  30wpm  in  English typewriting or 25wpm in Hindi typewriting and proficiency in computers. Desirable
: Knowledge of Hindi.Jr.

LIBRARY ASSISTANT :01 Post on Direct Basis(UR).Pay Band:`5,200 –20,200 with Grade Pay of `1,900/Age : Below 28 Educational qualification:Essential:Certificate in LibraryScience. Knowledge of Urdu/Hindi/English.

HEAD CLERK : 01 Post on Contract Basis.Consolidated salary of `20,000/-per month Age: Below 30 years.Educational Qualification:Essential: Bachelor’s  degree  in  Science/Commerce/Arts/Law  from  a  recognized  University with four years experience in the relevant filed. Computer Course.Desirable:Knowledge of Hindi.

ACCOUNTANT –01Post on Contract Basis.Consolidated salary of `20,000/-per month Age: Below 30 years.Educational Qualification:Essential: Bachelor’s  degree  in  Science/Commerce/Arts/Law  from  a  recognized  University with four years experience in the relevant filed. Computer Course.Desirable:Knowledge of Hindi.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES:Application has to be submitted in the format given at Annexure-Ionly.For appointmenton deputation the age should not exceed 56 years as on the closing date. Persons working  in  Central  /  State  Govt.  /  UTs  /  PSUs  /  Statutory  or  Autonomous  bodies  should  submit  their applications  through  proper  channel  along  with  up-to-date  duly  certified  CR  Dossiers  of  the  last  five years  along  with  disciplinary /  vigilance  clearance  and a  certificate that the particulars  furnished by the officer are correct as per the record held in the office.Interested   and   willing   candidates   may  submit  an   advance  copy   of  the  application  under intimation to their Cadre-Controlling Officer to avoid delay.  The candidateappointed on Direct Recruitment Basis in the Institute shall be governed by New Pension Scheme of the Govt. presentlyinforce. Age  relaxation  for  SC  /  ST  and  OBC/PHcategory  candidates  shall  be  applicable  as  per
Government of India orders. SC/  ST/  OBC  candidates  have  to  submit  their  CasteCertificate  only  in  the  proforma  givenat Annexure-II/III  only,duly  signed  by  the  competent  authority.  Failure  to  enclose  such  certificate  in  the proforma prescribed they shall be consider as general candidate.

Candidates applying for more than one post should send separate applications for each post. Incomplete applications and those received after the due date and also such of the applications which are not supported with copies of certificates and testimonials are liable to be rejectedsummarily.Applications, complete in all respects
along with photo copy of
(a) Date of Birth Certificate.
(b) Caste Certificate(SC/ST, OBC).
(c)S.S.L.C/Intermediate/Diploma/Degree/BUMS/MBBSmarks sheet for all the years.
(d) Marks sheet of M.D of all the years.
(e) Experience Certificateif any (if it is from a private college, the same should be gotcounter  signed from  the  Registrar  of  concerned  University,
failure  to  which  the  application will be rejectedsummarily).
(f)Enrolment on the central Register of CCIM or State Register of ISM/ in the MCIRegister.(g) List of articles published if any,
only in the following format (not to enclose full article/ book/journal etc).Sl.NoTitle of the Article/ Book/Journal.Year  Published.Published in.Author & Co-

may be sentto TheDirector,National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottige Palya, Magadi Main Road, Bangalore 560 091

superscribingon the cover of application for the post of ...........................
Last date for receipt of duly completedapplication30 days fromthe date of advertisementMere fulfilling the minimum prescribed qualification and experience
shallnot vest anyright tocandidate for being called for interview. The Institute reserves the rightto call forinterview only those candidates, who in its opinion, are found to be eigible. No correspondence in this regardshallbe  entertained.  The  Institute  reserves  the  right  of  short  listing  the  eligible  candidates  torestrict  the  number  of
candidatesappearingfor  written  test  &  interviewbefore  the  Selection Committee. The  candidates  are  required  to 

see  the  website  of  the  Institute
for  further time to time information.The  Institute  reserves  the  right  to  cancel  or  modify  this  notification  without  assigning  any reason. The Number of vacancies indicated is provisionaland may varyatthe time of interview.
Applicants  should  write  clearly  the  Name  of  the  Post  and  the  Method  of  Recruitment  i.e. Deputation/ Direct / Contract Basis on the Envelopein Bold letters.
For attending the interview no TA/DA shall be paid by the institute.Annexure II, III can be download from the Institute website.In  case  of  appointment  of  retired  persons  their  salary  shall  be  regulated  as  per  Govt.of  India Rules issued from time to time.Candidates appointed on contract basis shall not have any right for permanent employment.Canvassing in any form shall attract disqualification




1.(Vacancy  No.  16112001612)  One  Deputy  Direct
or  (Aircraft  Engineering)  in  Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation (OBC-01).  The post is permanent.
Pay  Scale : Rs. 15,600-39,100 ( PB-3) + Rs. 7,600 (Grade Pay) + T.A. & HRA at the time of initial appointment will be Rs. 52,200/-p.m. appr
oximately). General Central     Service,     Group     ‘A’,     Gazetted,     (Non-Ministerial.     Age:     53yrs.
QUALIFICATIONS:        ESSENTIAL:        (A)        EDUCATIONAL:        Degree        in        Aeronautical/Electrical/Electronics/   Mechanical/   Metallurgical  
Engineering   from   a   recognized  university  or  equivalent. 
Eight  years’  experience  in  aeronautical  research  and  development  or  design  or  laboratory  investigation  of  failed  aircraft    parts/Flight    Recorders    involved
    in    accident/incident    or    Airworthiness    Engineering.

2.            (Vacancy   No.   16112002412)   One   Joint   Director   General   in   National  
Museum, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, Janpath, New Delhi (UR-01).  The post is  also  suitable  for  Physically  Challenged  Persons  with  disability 
viz.  Orthopaedically  Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL)or One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA).
 The post is permanent.  Pay Scale:,Rs. 37400-67000 with Grade Pay Rs. 8,700 (Grade Pay) (T.E. Rs. 1,06,650/- Approx.) (PB-4)   +   TA   and   HRA   as   admissible.   General Central   Service   Group’A’(Gazetted),   Ministerial
Age*:   50   yrs.  
QUALIFICATIONS:   ESSENTIAL:   (A)   EDUCATIONAL:Master’s   degree   from   a   University   recognized   university   by   University   Grants   Commission  or  Association  of  Indian  Universities  in  Museology  or  History  of  Art  or  History   or   Sanskrit   or   Pali   or   Prakrit   or   Persian   or   Arabic   or   Archaeology   or  
Anthropology or Fine Arts or Chemistry.
(B)EXPERIENCE:-Twelve years’ of experience at  a  level  of  Curator  and  above  in  a  Museum  of  National  or  International  repute  along 
with  evidence  of  published  research  work. 
DESIRABLE:  Post  Graduate  diploma  in  Management   or   MBA   from   a   recognized   Institute   or   University.     

3.(Vacancy    No.    16112003512)    One    Assistant    Professor    (Survey    and    Engineering)   in   Indira   Gandhi   National   Forest   Academy,   P.O.   New   Forest,  
Dehradun,  Department  of  Forests  &  Wildlife,  Ministry  of  Environment,  Forest  &  Climate  Change  (UR-01).    The  post  is  permanent. 
Pay  Scale  :  Rs.  15,600-39,100  (PB-3)  +  Rs.  5,400  (Grade  Pay)  +  T.A.  &  HRA  at  the  time  of  initial  appointment  will  be  Rs.  47250/-p.m.  approximately). 
General  Central  Service,  Group  ‘A’,  Gazetted,  (Non-Ministerial.
Age:  35  yrs.
Degree   in   Civil   Engineering   or   equivalent   from   a   recognized   University.     
B.  EXPERIENCE: Three  years  experience  in  Survey  and  Engineering.
  DESIRABLE:(i)Five  years’  teaching  experience  including  Civil  Engineering    subject,  in  a  recognized  University/Institution.   (ii)Teaching   ex
perience   in   Surveying   and   Engineering   in   Forest/College.

4. Thirty-three  Junior  Time  Scale  (JTS)  Grade  of  Central  Labour  Service  (Group  ‘A’  Organized  Service)  consisting  of  the  posts  of  Assistant   Labour   Commissioner   (Central)/   Assistant   Welfare   Commissioner   (Central)/  Assistant  Labour  Welfare  Commissioner  (Central)/  Assistant  Director,Ministry  of  Labour  &  Employment  (SC-05,  ST-02,  OBC-09  &  UR-17).  Of  the  thirty-three  posts,  one  post  is  reserved  for  Physically  Challenged  Persons  with  disability  viz. 
Orthopaedically   Handicapped/Locomotor   Disability/Cerebral   Palsy   with   One   Leg   Affected  (Right  or  Left)  (OL)
One  Arm  Affected  (Right  or  Left)  (OA)  or  Muscular weakness  and  limited  physical  endurance  (MW).The  posts  are  also  suitable  for  Physically       Challenged       Persons       with       disability       viz.       Orthopaedically       Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL)
  One  Arm  Affected  (Right  or  Left)  (OA)  or  Muscular  weakness  and  limited  physical  endurance  (MW)  or  Partially  Blind  (PB).The  posts  are  permanent.   
Pay Scale:  Rs. 15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs. 5,400 (Grade Pay) (T.E. Rs. 47,250/- Approx.)  +  TA  and  HRA  as  admissible.  Central  Labour 
Service,  (Group  ‘A’  Organized  Service,  Gazetted)
S: ESSENTIAL:  EDUCATIONAL:(i) Degree of  a  recognized  University;  (ii)  Diploma  in  Social  Work  or  Labour  Welfare  or  Industrial  Relations  or  Personnel  Management  or  Labour  Law  from  a  recognized  University  or  Institution.DESIRABLE:  Degree  in  Law  from  a  recognized  university. 
a)Candidates  are  requested  to  apply  only  Online  against  this  advertisement  on  the  Online Recruitment Application (ORA) website
  and  NOT  write  to  the  Commission  for  Application  forms.  They  are  also  requested  to  go  through  carefully 
the   details   of   posts   and   instructions   published   below   as   well   as   on   the   website 
b)  *The age limit shown against item No. 1* (* for 01 post reserved for Other Backward Classes candidates) is relaxed age limit
for Other Backward Classes candidates.
 *The age limit  shown  against  all  items  is  the  normal  age  limit  and  the  age  is  relaxable  for  SC/ST  candidates  upto  5  years  and  upto  3  years  for 
OBC  candidates  in  respect  of  vacancies  reserved   for   them.   SC/ST/OBC   Candidates   have   to   produce   a   caste   certificate   in  
prescribed  proforma.  For  age  concession  applicable  to  other  categories  of  applicants  please see relevant paras of the "Instructi
ons and Additional Information to Candidates for Recruitment by Selection". 
c) A candidate will be eligible to get the benefit of community reservation only in case the  particular  caste  to  which  the  candidates  belong  is  included  in  the  list  of  reserved  communities  issued  by  the  Central  Government.  If  a  candidate  indicates  in  his/her  application  form  that  he/she  belongs  to  SC/S
T/OBC/General  category  but  subsequently  writes to the Commission to change his/her category, such request shall not be entertained
by the Commission.
d)        Physically        Handicapped        (PH)  Persons  or  Persons  with  disabilities,  as  indicated  against various item(s) in the VACANCY DETAIL
S, can apply to the respective posts even if  the  post  is  not  reserved  for  them  but  has  been  identified  as  Suitable.    However,  such  candidates  will  be  considered  for  selection  to  such  post  by  general  standard  of  merit.    Persons suffering from not less than 40% of relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the
benefit of reservation and other relaxations as permissible under the rules. Thus, Physically Handicapped (PH) persons can avail benefit of :
Reservation  and  other  Concessions  &  Relaxations  as  permissible  under  the  rules 
only when degree of physical disability is 40% or more and the posts are reserved for PH
Other Concessions & Relaxations as permissible under the rules only when degree
of physical disability is 40% or more and the posts are suitable for PH candidates.  
    At  places  specifically  stated  against  certain  posts,  otherwise  anywhere in India.
         PROBATION:The persons selected will be appointed on probation as per rule. INSTRUCTIONS    AND    ADDITIONAL    INFORMATION    TO    CANDIDATES    FOR   
1.             CITIZENSHIP:            
A Candidate must be either:
a citizen of India, or 
a subject of Nepal, or
a subject of Bhutan, or
a  Tibetan  refugee  who  came
  over  to  India  before  1
: The age limit for the post has been given in the advertisement.  For  certain  age  concessions  admissible  to  various  categories  please  go  through  the  instruction regarding Concessions & Relaxations.    
:      All   applicants   must   fulfill   the   essential  requirements  of  the  post  and  other  conditions  stipulated  in  the  advertisement.   
They  are  advised  to  satisfy  themselves  before  applying  that  they  possess  at  least  the  essential  qualifications  laid  down  for  vari
ous  posts.    No  enquiry  asking  for  advice  as  to  eligibility will be entertained.
   The   prescribed   essential   qualifications   are   the   minimum   and   the   mere   possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview.
(a) “On the basis of Desirable Qualification (DQ) or any one or all of the DQs if more than one DQ is prescribed”
(b)   On   the   basis   of   higher   educational   qualifications   than   the   minimum   prescribed in the advertisement 
(c) On the basis of higher experience in the relevant field than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement 
(d) By counting experience before or after the acquisition of essential qualifications 
(e) By holding a Recruitment Test.
IMPORTANT (i)  The category-wise minimum level of suitability in interviews, irrespective of whether the  selection  is  made  only  by  interview  or  by  Recruitment  Test  followed  by  interview, will be UR-50 marks, OBC-45 marks, SC/ST/PH-40 marks, out of the total marks of interview being 100.
(ii) In cases where selection is made by Recruitment Test (RT) followed by interview, the  candidate  will  have  to  achieve  minimum  level  of  suitability  in  their  respective  category at both stages i.e. ‘Recruitment Test’ as well as ‘Interview’.  The minimum level  of  suitability  in  case  of  RT  shall  be  decided  by  the  Commission  on  case  to  case basis.
(a)  Candidates  are  required  to  pay  a  fee  of  Rs.  25/-  (Rupees  Twenty  five)  only  either by remitting the money in any branch of
 the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/master credit/debit card. 
(b) No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates of any community.  No "fee exemption" is available to OBC male candidates and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee.   
(c) Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection would be entertained.
(d) Fee  once  paid  shall  not  be  refunded  under  any  circumstance  nor  can  the  fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
(a) The  upper  age  limit  in  case  of  Ex-Servicemen  and  Commissioned  Officers including ECOs/SSCOs shall be relaxed by five years subject to the condition
that on the closing date for receipt of applications the continuous service rendered in the Armed  Forces  by  an  Ex-Serviceman  is  not  less  than  six  months  after  attestation.  This  relaxation  is  also  available  to  ECOs/SSCOs  who  have  completed  their  initial  period  of  assignment  of  five  years  of  Military  Service  and  whose  assignment  has  been  extended  beyond five years as on closing date and in whose case the Ministry of Defence issues certificates  that  they  will 
be  released  within  3  months  on  selection  from  the  date  of  receipt of offer of appointment. Candidates claiming age relaxation under this para would
be required to produce a certificate in the prescribed proforma to the Commission.
 Ex Servicemen who have already secured regular employment under the Central Govt.  in  a  Civil  Post  are  permitted  the  benefit  of  age  relaxation  as  admissible  for  Ex-Servicemen  for  securing  another  employment  in  any  higher  post  or  service  under  the  Central Govt.  However, such candidates will not
 be eligible for the benefit of reservation, if any for Ex-Servicemen in Central Govt. jobs.
(b) In  order  to  qualify  for  the  concession  under(a)  above,  candidates  concerned would be required to produce a certificate that they have been released from
the  Defence  Forces.    The  certificate  for  Ex-Servicemen  and  Commissioned  Officers  including ECOs/SSCOs should be signed by t
he appropriate authorities specified below and should also specify  the period of service in the Defence Forces:-
(i) In case of Commissioned Officers including ECOs/SSCOs: Army:        Directorate of Personnel Service, Army Headquarters, New Delhi. Navy:         Directora
te of Personnel Services Naval Headquarters, New Delhi. Air Force:  Directorate of Personnel Services, Air Headquarters, New Delhi.
(ii) In case of JCOs/ORs and equivalent of the Navy and Air Forces: Army:       By various Regimental Record Offices. Navy:         Naval Records, Bombay Air Force: Air Force Records, New Delhi.
(c) Age relaxation for Central Government employees:The  upper  age  limit  is  relaxable  for  Central/U.T.  Govt.  Servants  up  to  5  years  as  per  instructions  issued  by  the  Govt.  of  India  from  time  to  time.  (10  years    for  persons  belonging  to  Scheduled  Castes/Scheduled  Tribes  and  8  years  for  persons  belonging  to 
other  Backward  Classes  in  respect  of  the  posts  reserved  for  them)  in    accordance  with  the  instructions  or  orders  issued  by  the  Government  of  India.    A  candidate  claiming  to  belong  to  the  category  of  Central  Government  servant  and  thus  seeking  age  relaxation 

Sunday, 30 October 2016

BTech Jobs


Home(A Public Sector Enterprises)
4, Industrial Area, Sahibabad –201010 (UP)
Recruitment of Graduate Engineers on Contractual Basis
Central   Electronics   Limited   is   a   Public   Sector   Enterprise,   Schedule   B   Company   under Department  of  Scientific  &  Industrial  Research,  Ministry  of  Science  & Technology  and  is engaged  in  manufacturing  of  Solar  Photovoltaic  Cells,
Modules  &  Systems,  Railway  signalling Systems and Microwave Electronics Systems etc.

The   Company   is   looking   forward   to   recruit   high   caliber   and   talented professional son contractual basis for two years which is further extendable on performance basis for one more year only.On   the basis   of   exemplary   performance   during   the   contractual   period, the incumbents may  also  be considered for  absorption in  regular  cadre of the  Company .  They  will however have ‘No claim’ for regularization/absorption.Online  applications are  invited in  the following isciplines:

Name of the Post__Qualifications

Graduate Engineer--B.E./B.Tech.

Final year/semester students shall also be eligible. However, they would have  to obtain at least 65% marks in their engineering degree. Eligible  candidates
shall have  to  appear  for  Graduate  Aptitude  Test  in  Engineering GATE2017.
Based  on  the  GATE-2017 marks  and requirement,  candidates  shall  be  shortlisted in  the Ist stage.
The fixed emoluments per month shall be payable as per following

Maximum age As on 30.09.2016
Grade(IDA)CTC atinitial pay in the scaleAt present Graduate Engineers on contract basis  Rs. 23,000/-per month
Rs. 24,000/-per monthE-2i.e. 16400-40500  6.50Lakhs p.a
27 years

Note  :
The  CTC  shown  is  indicative  only  and  does  not  create  any  privilege  whatsoever.  It includes  Basic  pay,  DA,  HRA,  Transport  allowance  and  PF  amount  etc.  Candidates  may  be considered  for  absorption  only on  the  basis  of  exemplary  performance  &  requirement  of  the Company in particular cadre. They will however have ‘No claim’ for regularization/absor ption.

General Instructions
1.Candidates  need  to appear for  GATE-2017and apply online for  the  post  from 04-01-2017 to 03-02-2017
with the GATE-2017 Registration Number in first phase.
2.In second phase, candidates shall be required to update/upload their GATE Score, GATE Rank  & GATE  Score  Card  alongwith  final  year  aggregate  marks  from  10
-06-2017  to      30-06-2017.
3.Requisite  fees  shall  have  to  be  deposited,  alongwith  the  Application.  The  modalities thereof,  shall  be  intimated  subsequently. SC/ST  and  PH  candidates  are  not  required  to pay any fees.
4.Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (Non Creamy Layer). It is relaxable by 10 years for PwD –General, 13 years for PwD–OBC and 15 years for PwD-SC/ST candidates.
5.Reservation is applicable as per extant government rules.
6.Shortlisted  candidates  shall be  informed displaying  a  list  on  website  in  the  month  of August, 2017,regarding Date, Time and Venue for Personal
7.Candidates, if shortlisted for Personal Interview shall be required to bring their original GATE-2017score card,
at the time of Interview.

All information & any changes/updation will be available on the Company’s website
 Candidates  are  advised  to  visit  the  website  from time  to  time  for any updates.(Only Indian nationals need to apply)


EdCIL (India) Limited.


EdCIL House, 18A,Sector-16A,NOIDA-201301 (UP) Tel: 0120-2512001-6,Fax:0120-2515372,


EdCIL(India)  Limited  (EdCIL) is  a "Mini  Ratna"continuously  profit  making  and  fast  growing  CPSE    under Ministry of Human Resource Development offering Project Management & Consultancy Services in all areas of Education  and  Human  Resource  Development,  both  within  India  &  Overseas.  The  company  has  more  than doubled its turnover during the last financial year  by registering a growth of 128% and has a further ambitious target of growth during the current financial year.
Being  a  high  growth  company,  EdCILoffers  attractive  compensation  package  with  opportunity  of  career advancement.  EdCIL  is  looking  for  highly  competent,  experienced  and  dynamic  senior  professionals  with  a passion for excellence for the Post of Chief General Manager (ICT) and Deputy General Manager (ICT).Recently

The Recruitment Advertisement No. (HR/Rectt/Advt/2016/04)
was  notified  for inviting  applications for  04posts including  the  post  of  Chief  General  Manager  (Business  Development)  and  Assistant  Company Secretary (ACS).
However, the advertisement for the Post of Chief General Manager (ICT) and Deputy General Manager  (ICT) has  been cancelled  due  to  administrative  reasons.
The  company  has  now re-advertisedthe positions of Chief General Manager (ICT) and Deputy General Manager (ICT). The candidate s who had earlier applied  for  the  post  of  CGM  (ICT)  and  DGM  (ICT)  need  to  apply  again.  The  eligibility  criteria  for  the  posts  of Chief General Manager (ICT) and Deputy General Manager (ICT) are as under:

Sl.No   Name of the post      Educational Qualification;-

1. Chief General Manager  (ICT) BE   /   B.Tech   in Information Technology / Computer Science
Essential:The  candidate  who  would  head  the  IT/ICT  vertical should     possess 14     years     post-qualification experience  (including at  least  at  least 02  years experience   in   CPSE)   in   handling execution of project and service delivery in areas of IT/ICT. The candidates  should  have  been at  least  in  the  IDA

2.Deputy General Manager  (ICT) –BE  /  B.  Tech  in Information Technology / Computer Science Essential:9   years   post-qualification   experience   (including
atleast 02  years  experience  in  CPSE)  in  handling project  execution  and service  delivery  of  IT/ICT Projects.

The recruitment is for full time and permanent posts of the company.The  Institute/University  awarding  the  Degree  must  be  recognized  by  Central/State  Government  or AICTE/UGC.Candidates  having  the  experience  of  Central  Govt./State  Govt./Autonomous  bodies/Public  Sector Undertaking/organizations having minimum turnover of Rs.100 Crores / Listed companies only will be considered.For  Candidates  applying  from  Private  Sector  the  CTC  for the last  02  years  should  be  atleast  Rs.14 Lakhs per annum for the Post of CGM (ICT) and Rs. 11 Lakhs per annum for the Post of DGM (ICT).  The cut-off date for age and experience is 01.10.2016.

1.Post: Chief General Manager (ICT) (Job description)
Primary responsibilities
As the Head of ICT, the primary objective is to drive both ICT strategy and time bound operational delivery of ICT services ensuring that clients preferably in the education sector have suitable technology resources and support confirming to the highest benchmark of quality, competitiveness and cost.Responsibilities would include to:Lead,  manage,  motivate  and develop  the  ICT  Team  so  that  they  meet  Govt./institution/clients expectations.Crete and review  an inspiring, compelling and customer-centric vision for  ICT within the company to win B-2-G business deals and deliver business outcome.Work in a collaborative way with senior management team to develop the ICT vision and strategy and their translation into priorities and action plan.Schedule,  control  and  manage  delivery  of  ICT  services  to  clients  including  support,  hardware  and systems in a timely, cost effective, and efficient manner.Enter  into  rate  contract  with  service  providers  to  serve  clients  as  per  highest  quality  and  cost standards and timeliness.Service IT/ICT sector education market overseas.Hands on experience in institutional selling of IT/ICT services.
Interface  with  Senior  Management  of  Central  govt.  &  State  Govts.  as  well  as  PSUs  to  obtain  and execute large value ICT customer orders.Make  a  significant  contribution  to  the  strategic  direction,  management  and  culture  of  the  team members.DevelopICT as a robust education business vertical to achieve business goals in relation to revenue, client relationships, reputation and business impact.Competency/Skill Set Organizing  and  planning  skills  to  service preferably in education  sector  IT/ICT  products  to  Central Govt./State Govts. and PSU Clients.Ability to integrate single/multiple vendors/OEMs to ensure efficient service delivery.Proven  track  record  in  using  including  ERP  recognized  project  management  techniques  to  deliver successful ICT projects.Ability to combine strategic vision with the achievement of operational results (KPIs)Excellent communication/presentation and team management skills.Procurement and tendering skills especially those relating to Govt./PSU sector.

2.Post: Deputy General Manager (ICT)
(Job description)Primary responsibilities
His  primary  objective  is  to  build  up  required  ICT  infrastructure  competency  for  both  in-house  and  with alliances  EdCIL  to  serve  the  market  as  per  highest  quality  and  cost  standards.    He  will  be  required  to ensure timely delivery of day to day ICT related customer services ensuring that clients preferably in the education  sector  have  suitable  technology  resources  and  support  to  achieve  their  objectives  effectively, securely and with a competitive and innovative edge.
Responsibilities would include to:Interface  with  Senior  Management  of  Central  Govt.  &  State  Govts.  to  maximize  IT/ICT  service delivery, outcomes to Education sector.Create and review an inspiring, compelling and customer-centric vision for ICT within the company to win business deals and deliver business outcome.
Work  in  a  collaborative  way  with  senior  management  team  to  execute  successful  implementation  of IT/ICT Projects.Responsible for  delivery of ICT provision, support,hardware and systems to clients in a  timely, cost effective and efficient way balancing the use of in house and external resources appropriately.Serving overseas IT/ICT education market as and when required.Creation of alliance and entering into rate contracts with related vendors/OEMs.Hands on experience in institutional selling of IT/ICT services.Competency/Skill SetOrganizing and planning skills to service education sector IT/ICT products to important Central Govt. /State Govts. and PSU Clients.Ability to integrate efforts to single/multiple vendors/OEMs to ensure efficient service delivery.Proven  track  record  in  using  including  ERP recognized
project  management  techniques  to  deliver successful ICT projects.Ability to combine strategic vision with the achievement of operational results (KPIs).Excellent communication/presentation and team management skills.Procurement and tendering skills especially those relating to Govt./PSU sector.

General Conditions:
1.Only Indian Nationals may apply.
2.Remuneration:Selected  candidates  will  be  placed  in  the  IDA  pay  scale  of Rs.36600-62000  (E-6)  and Rs.29100-54500 (E-4).Besides Basic pay, they will be entitled to DA, HRA/Leased accommodation, PF, Gratuity,  Leave  Encashment,  Medical  Facilities,  Conveyance  Allowance,  Holiday  Home  Expenses,  Soft
Furnishing, Children’s Education Allowance, Leave Travel Concession, Reimbursement  of  Professional  Membership,  Computer  Advance  and  Performance  Related  Pay  (PRP)  etc.  as  per  rules  of  the  company. The present  Cost to Company  (CTC) is approximately  Rs. 17.50 Lakhs per  annum for  E-6 and Rs 13.50 Lakhs for E
-4 and in deserving cases, additional increments can also be considered.
3.Mode of receipt of applications will be ONLINE only.
4.Age  relaxation  for  SC/ST  (5  years)/  OBC  (3  years) / Ex-servicemen (05  years) &   forPwD  (Person  with Disability) will be applicable as per Government Direct
ives.  Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years for the candidates  who  had  ordinarily  been  domiciled  in  the  State  of  Jammu  &  Kashmir  during  the  period  from
1/1/1980 to 31/12/1989.
5.Documents  in  support  of  Age,  Educational  Qualification,  Experience  and  age relaxation  etc.  have  to  be produced  in  original  at  the  time  of  Interview.  In  case  of  employees  from  Government/PSUs/Autonomous bodies, NOC is required to be produced at that time. 
6.Screening  and  selection  will  be  based  on  the  details  provided  by  the  candidates.    Hence,  it  is  necessary that  applicants  should  furnish  accurate,  complete  and  correct  information  in  all  areas  including  details  of experience.  Furnishing  of  incomplete,  wrong  /  false  information  will  be  a  disqualification.  If  at  any  stage during  the  recruitment,  selection  process  and  thereafter,  it  is  found  that  any  candidate  furnished  false  or wrong information, his/her candidature will be rejected.
7.Mere submission of online applications and fulfillment of the eligibility criteria shall not entitle any candidate to be called for Interview. EdCIL reserves the right to shortlist and/or reject any Candidate.
8.Candidates are advised to possess a valid e-mail ID which is to be entered in the on-line application form. Call  letters  and  intimations  connected  with  this  recruitment  will  be  sent  to  shortlisted  candidates  on  their registered e-mail ID and by Speed Post to the address intimated.
9.The Advertisement Number and Online Application Number may be noted for future reference.
10. EdCIL'sONLINE application module is live  and will remain open till18.11.2016.
11.Queries,  if  any  may  be  addressed  to  Manager  (HR)  at  /  and
Telephone No. 0120-2515373
(10:00am to 06:00pm from Monday to Friday).

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Employment news

Employment news

Sector 39-A, Chandigarh-160 036

Advertisement No. 01/2016Employment news

Date of commencement of online application: 14.10.2016
Last date for submission of online application: 15.11.2016 (upto 17.00 hours)

CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (CSIR-IMTECH) is a constituent unit of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research which is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India. It is amongst the foremost Government funded Scientific and Industrial Research Department setup in the world, having state of art infrastructure and scientific and industrial R&D of National and International importance. The online applications are invited from eligible citizens of India to fill up the following posts as per the details given below:-

 Post Code    Number of                Maximum Age Limit.    Essential Qualifications
A    Junior Stenographer (02 posts-UR)             28 Years      10+2/XII or its equivalent and speed of 80 w.p.m in Shorthand and 40 or 35 w.p.m. in typewriting in English or Hindi respectively on Computer****.
B    Assistant (General) Gr.III, (02 Post)      28 Years                   10+2/XII or its equivalent and typing speed @ 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi on computer***.
C.    Assistant (Finance & Accounts) Gr.III     28 Years        10+2/XII or its equivalent   with Commerce as one of the subjects and typing speed @ 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi on computer***.
D.    Driver (Non Technical)            28 Years        10th or its  equivalent  and at least  five years  driving experience to  heavy  & light  vehicles  in  plain  &  insurmountable  areas.


Post Code-A:  For the post of JUNIOR STENOGRAPHER:
    Applications will be screened by the duly constituted Screening Committee. Eligible candidates will be called for the Skill Test (Shorthand/Transcription). The selection in order of merit will be based on the performance in the Skill Test (Shorthand and Transcription) and qualifying typing test on Computer. All the eligible candidates will have to submit print out of online application(s) duly signed alongwith self-attested testimonials (proof of date of birth, qualification, caste/category etc.) on the date of Skill Test.

Post Code B & C: For the post of ASSISTANT (G) & ASSISTANT (F&A) GR.III  :
    Applications will be screened & eligible candidates will be called for Written Examination. Thereafter, candidates in the merit list will be called for Typing Test (qualifying nature) @ speed of 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi on computer.  Final selection will be based on the merit of marks secured in the Written Test. All the candidates appearing in the Typing Test will have to submit print out of online application(s) duly singed alongwith self-attested testimonials (proof of date of birth, qualification, caste/category etc.).
Syllabus of the Written Test to the post of Assistant (G) & Assistant (F&A), Gr.III:
i)  GENERAL ENGLISH:   Spotting error, fill in the blanks, synonyms/antonyms, spelling/detecting misspelled words, idioms and phrases, one word substitution, active/passive voice, conversion of direct/indirect sentences, comprehension of passage.
ii) GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Current events, General Science, Indian History, Culture, Geography, Economics, Constitution of India and  General awareness about the international world.

Post Code D: For the post of DRIVER:
    Applications will be screened & shortlisted candidates will be called for Trade Test. Final selection will be based on the merit of marks secured in the Trade Test. All the candidates appearing in the Trade Test will have to submit print out of online application(s) duly signed alongwith self-attested testimonials (proof of date of birth, qualification, caste/category, experience etc.).
1.    Eligible candidates are required to apply only through online our website link  The last date of online submission of application is 15.11.2016 (1700 hours).
2.    If the candidate does not have a valid email ID, they must have to create a new valid email ID before applying online. Candidates have to register on above website and password will be sent to their email ID. 
3.    The fee (non-refundable) for General/OBC candidates is Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred only) is to be deposited online through SBI Collect Facility directly to this Institute Account. Those candidates who intend to deposit fee through SBI Centre should download the Fee Deposit Slip by click Pay Button. Once fee paid is non-refundable/non-adjustable. The online application fee must be deposited by 15.11.2016 (17.00 hrs). No enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in such cases.
4.    Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/Women/Regular Employees of CSIR/Identified Casual Workers in CSIR categories are exempted from payment of application fee.
5.    Candidates must ensure that application fee (if applicable) have been deposited in this Institute Account as per requirement. If it is found at any stage that applications was not supported with application fee (if applicable) shall be rejected. In case fee (non-refundable/non-adjustable) is deposited after the last date, such applications will be rejected. No enquiry/correspondence will be entertained.
6.    Candidates are advised to ensure to upload latest coloured Photograph (size not maximum 400 KB) and signatures (size not maximum 400 KB). Photograph/Signatures should be clear, otherwise application is liable for rejection.


(1) Benefits & Prospects:  (a) All posts carry usual allowances i.e., DA, HRA, and Transport Allowances etc. as admissible to Central Govt. Employees posted in Chandigarh.  (b) In addition to the emoluments, benefits such as the New Pension Scheme (NPS), Leave Travel Concession, Reimbursement of Medical expenses for self and dependents, Conveyance Advance, House Building Advance etc. are available as per Govt. of India Rules  as applicable to the employees of CSIR. (c) CSIR provides excellent opportunities to deserving candidates for career advancement.

 i)     Upper age limit for Person with Disabilities will be relaxable by 10 years (15 years for SC/ST & 13 years for OBC). The persons claiming age relaxation under PWD category would be required to produce a certificate in prescribed proforma in support of their claims clearly indicating that the degree of physical disability is 40% or more.
ii)    Relaxation in age limit upto 5 years may be allowed to Council/Government/Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertaking employees in accordance with the instructions and orders issued by the Government of India from time to time in this regard.
iii)    As per GOI provisions, age relaxation for Widows, Divorced Women and Women Judicially separated from Husbands who are not remarried, the upper age limit is relaxable up to the age of 33 years (upto 38 years for members of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and upto 36 years for members belonging to the Other Backward Classes in respect of the posts reserved for them). The persons claiming age relaxation would be required to produce following documentary evidence:
a)     In case of Widow, Death Certificate of her husband together with the Affidavit that she has not remarried since.
b)     In case of divorced Women and Women judicially separated from their husbands, a certified copy of the judgment/decree of the appropriate Court to prove the fact of divorce or the judicial separation, as the case may be, with an Affidavit in respect of divorced Women that they have not remarried since.
iv)    Relaxation of upper age limit for Ex-servicemen is admissible as per rules. Relaxation in the upper age limit of 5 years applicable for persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of J&K during the period of 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989 subject to production of a certificate from the District Magistrate in the Kashmir Division within whose jurisdiction he had ordinarily resided; OR from any other authority designated in this behalf by the Government of J&K.

1.    The applicant must be citizen of India.
2.    Age and experience will be reckoned as on the last date of receipt of application form i.e. 15.11.2016.
3.    The period of experience in a discipline/area of work, where prescribed, shall be counted after the date of acquiring the minimum prescribed educational qualification for that Group/Grade.
4.    If candidates are eligible for more than one post and intend to apply more than one post, they have to submit separate applications along with separate applications fee (if applicable) for each post.
5.    All testimonials/certificates will be verified later. Therefore, candidates must have its original(s) for verification as and when desired by this Institute. If it is found that they have furnished false information, their candidature shall be rejected.
6.     Those candidates are already working in Govt. Departments & Public Sector Undertakings will be allowed provisionally with the understanding that they have given prior intimation before applying  in their Departments/Organizations etc.. At the time of final selection they must have to produce certificate from their Departments/Organizations mentioning that the candidate had been permitted to appear in the Test and they have ‘NO Objection’ for selection and applicant will be relieved within one month of receipt of appointment order, failing which their candidature is liable for rejection.
 7.    Late applications for whatsoever reason and incomplete applications (i.e. without photograph and unsigned etc.) will be summarily rejected. In case candidates have not submitted their online application due to failure of server/any technical defect on the last moment, last date will not be extended. Therefore, candidates are advised to submit online application well in advance before the last date of submission of application.  Institute decision will be final and no enquiry will be entertained in this regard.
8.    Date of Written Exam/Typing Test/Trade Test will be displayed on IMTECH website.
9.    Admit Cards/Roll Nos will be issued online to hold Examination. No separate call letter(s) will be issued to candidate(s).
10.    Candidates are advised to keep print out of submitted application for future reference.
11.     Mere fulfilling of minimum prescribed qualifications and experience will not vest any right in a candidate for being called for Written Test/ Trade Test. The Institute reserves the rights to call only those candidates who in its opinion are likely to be suitable and will not entertain any correspondence in this regard. The candidates should, therefore, mention all the qualifications and experience in the relevant field over and above the minimum prescribed qualifications.
12.    Candidates may indicate as to whether any of their blood/close relatives is working in     CSIR or any other National Labs./Institutes of the CSIR.
13.    In case, any problem arise in server for online submission of application, candidates     are advised to take screen shot of problem and forward the same to at email     ID  for necessary rectification/to remove defects of server.
14.    Canvassing in any form and /or bringing in any influence political or otherwise will be     treated as a disqualification for the post. In case, any dispute arise, Institute decision     shall be final and binding on the candidates. No Interim enquiries will be entertained.
15.    Director, CSIR-IMT reserves the right to not to fill any or all posts advertised.
