Monday, 29 May 2017

Jobs for MSc

Jobs for MSc

Government of India Department of Space

Gadanki –517 112
Advertisement No.NARL/RMT/SD/01/2017 Date:02.05.2017

National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL) is a Centre of excellence for atmospheric research with state-of-art experiment facilities like MST Radar, Lidars, Wind Profilers, HPC along with a variety of instruments for atmospheric studies from the boundary layer to the ionosphere.  The future programme  of  NARL  envisages  expansion  of  observational  systems  and  widening  of  research  activities  such  as  weather  and  climate  modeling activities,  aerosol  cloud  interactions,  meteorological  data  assimilation,  formulation  of  coordinated  observations  by  setting  up  GPS/IRNSS  receiver networks, development of air/balloon borne and Satellite payloads and formulation of National and International programs. NARL invites On-line applications for two position s of Scientist/Engineer ‘SD’ in the Basic Pay of Rs.67700/-(Level 11 –cell 1) in the Pay Matrix Table (as per 7thCPC) + TA and HRA as admissible.

1)AGE LIMIT: Preferably below 40 years.
2) MINIMUM  ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Allapplicants  must  fulfill  the  essential  requirements  of  the  post  and  other conditions stipulated  in  the advertisement.They are  advised  to  satisfy  themselves  before  applying  that  they  possess  at least  the  essential qualifications laid down for various posts. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.
(a)On the basis of higher educational qualifications than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
(b)On the basis of higher experience in the relevant field than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
(c)By counting experience after the acquisition of essential qualifications.
(d)Number of publications in peer reviewed journals.
3)The Candidates who are already employed under Central /State Government, Public Sector Undertakings or Autonomous Organizations should send their printed On-line application invariably followed-up with a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATEfrom the employer concerned.
4)SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-servicemen  candidates are  required  to  produce  a  copy  of  the  certificate  in  the  prescribed  format  signed  by  the specified Authority at the time of interview.
A person who wants to avail of benefit of PWD reservation would have to submit a disability certificate issued by a Competent Authority in the prescribed format. 
Degree  of  disability  for  reservation  :  only  such person  would be eligible for reservation in services / posts who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability.

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: The candidates should possess First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks or CGPA/CPI grading of a minimum of 6.5 on a 10 scale at the Master’s Degree  level with pre eligibility qualification at Graduate level should also be in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks or CGPA/CPI grading of a minimum of 6.5 on a 10 scale
and Ph. D degree on topic  mentioned below  with  Post  Doctoral  experience  with  a  good  number  of  peer  reviewed  research  publications  demonstrating  the same.
A. Area of work : Applications of GNSS satellite signals to atmospheric remote sensing.
B. Essential Qualifications:  i)   Post Graduation : First class M.Sc. in Physics/Mathematics (or) First class M.E / M. Tech. in Electronics and Communications Engg./ Computer Science and Engg./ Microwave Engg./ Aeronautical Engg./ Aerospace Engg.
ii) Ph. D in the field of Computational Electromagnetics
C. Desirable Expertise : Numerical solution of equations for electromagnetic wave propagation and dielectric interaction  using high performance computers. [Reserved for PWD (Orthopae
dically Handicapped or Hearing Impaired)]
(OH or HI)
02. i)   First Class M. Sc. in Physics or allied subjects. ii)  Ph. D on topics related to Aerosol measurements and Modelling, Satellite data
retrieval and analysis etc.  iii) Post Doctoral experience in any of the above  topics in reputed foreignLaboratories/Universities will be preferred.
The gross emoluments at the minimum of the Pay (7th CPC)for the post of Scientist/Engineer ‘SD’ will be at present  be  Rs.67700/-. In  addition,  House  Rent Allowance  (HRA)  and  Transport  Allowance  (TA) will  be  paid as  admissible. The employees  will  be  governed  by  the  New Defined  Contribution Pension  Scheme.  On  employment  in  NARL,  other  facilities  are  available such  as  medical  facilities  for  self  and  dependents,  subsidized  canteen,  Leave  Travel  Concession,  Group  Insurance,  advances  for purchase of conveyance, construction of house, etc as per Central Government orders.
6)The  date  of  determining  the  eligibility  of  all  candidates  in  every  respect  shall  bethe  closing  date for  submitting the on line application on the website 05.06.2017.
7)The decision of NARL in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, conduct of interview, will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual or agency on behalf of the candidate.

a)Candidates must apply On-line through the website
The site will remain open from 08.05.2017(10:00HrsIST)  to 05.06.2017(17:30HrsIST) for registering the application. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and
summarily rejected.
b)Candidates has to personally upload his/her Post-Doctoral experience / the relevant research experience in the desired field, list of peer reviewed publications, Awards/ Scholarship / Official  Appreciation / Affiliation with the  professional  bodies/institutions/societies in a single pdf file in such a way that the size of the file does not exceed 2 MB.
c)After submitting the Online Application, the candidates are required to submit printout of their online application duly signed alongwith self-attested copies of all documents/relevant certif
icates in support of the claims made in the application

on  orbefore 05thJune  2017.
 E-mail  ID  and  Mobile  No.  of  the  applicant  will  have  to  be  given  in  the  application compulsorily.
The application should be sent in a cover superscribed “
APPLICATION  FOR  THE  POST  OF  ____________POST CODE________.”

a)Candidates attending the interview will be reimbursed AC 3-Tier Class train fare by the shortest route to the place of interview from the  Railway  Station  nearest  to  the  normal  place  of  residence  of  the  candidate or  from which  he/she  actually  performs  the  journey,  whichever,  is  nearer  to  the  place  of  interview,  and  back  to  the  same  station  or  the  amount  of  Railway  fare  actually  incurred by  the candidate whichever is less.
b)The posts are temporary, but likely to continue. At present the place of posting is NARL, Gadanki, but the appointees are liable to be posted in  any of the Centres/Units of the Indian Space Research  Organisation / Department of  Space  situated anywhere in India as and when required.
c)The number of posts indicated above are provisional and may vary depending on the actual requirements of the Organisation.
d)Candidates called  for  interview will  have  to  produce all  relevant  original  documents  in  proof  of  details  furnished  in  their  applications submitted On-line, at the time of interview. If any information furnished On-line is found to be wrong or false, the candidate will not be interviewed and TA will not be paid.
e)NARL reserves the right not to fill up all or any of the posts, if it so desires.
f)Only Indian nationals need apply.
g)No interim correspondence will be entertained
h)Canvassing in any form will disqualify a candidate
i)Government strives to have a work force which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.
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Sunday, 28 May 2017

Civil Engineering Jobs

Civil Engineering Jobs

Civil Engineering JobsNational Highways Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)
Recruitment of Deputy Manager (Technical) on Direct Recruitment basis
1. In  continuation  to the Notice  published  in  Employment  News  08-14  October  2016, Hindustan   Times   dated   27.09.2016   and   Navbharat   Times   dated   29.09.2016,
National  Highways  Authority  of  India  (NHAI)  invites  applications  for  40  posts  of Deputy Manager (Technical) in the Pay Band –3 (Rs. 15,600 –39,100/-) with Grade Pay Rs.5400/-(in CDA pattern) (as per 6thCPC) on Direct Recruitment basis through GATE  scores  valid  as  on  31.07.2017,  in  the  discipline  of  Civil  Engineering.  The number  of  the  post  advertised may  increase  or  decrease  at  the  discretion  of  the Authority.

Post:- Deputy  Manager (Technical) 40-vacancies
Eligibility Conditions :
(a)Educational Qualification : Degree in Civil Engineering   from   a   recognized University / Institute. 
(b) Age : Not   exceeding   30  years as on   31.07.2017.   Age relaxation is   applicable   as per     Government     of     India     rules     applicable     for     different     categories
(c)Selection process:
On the basis of valid GATE scores in Civil Engineering discipline, as on 31.07.2017.

How to Apply:
Applicant can apply either Online or Offline. Procedure to be followed for both the modes is given below:-
(a) Online Applications:
(i)The Applicant may visit NHAI website for applying Online.  It may be accessed on Google Chrome or Mozila Firefox.
(ii) Click  on  the  tab About Us  Recruitment  Vacancies  /  Result   Click on  the advertisement of Deputy Manager (Technical)  Online Application.
(iii) Fill-up the form and furnish the requisite information.
(iv)Following documents are required to be uploaded:- Photograph-Scanned   copy   of   colour   passport   size   photograph   in   only
Signature -Scanned  copy  of  signature  in  only ‘jpg’/’jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB.
(v) Click ‘Next’button.
(vi)Application Preview may be seen.
(vii)Option of ‘Edit’ and final  Submitbutton, are also available.
(viii)If the Applicant is satisfied with the information furnished, click  “Submit” button for  submitting  the  application  form  through  Online. The  application  form  Online may be submitted by 31.07.2017 (6:00 PM).
(ix) After  submission  of  Application  Form,  a “Unique Reference Number” along  with details  entered  by  the  Applicant  with  subject  “Application  Acknowledgement” will be generated automatically. 
(x)Automatically generated  “Application Acknowledgement” would be sent to the E-mail ID provided by the Applicant.
(xi) After submitting the Application through Online, the Applicant shall submit a copy of “Application Acknowledgement” within a week at the address mentioned at para 7 herein by Speed post /
Registered post.
(xii)  The Copy of the Application Acknowledgment should also be enclosed with copies of the following self-attested documents:-

Proof of Date of Birth
Educational Qualification
SC/ST/OBC/PwD certificate (if applicable)
Valid GATE score card
Other   supporting   documents   (viz.   Experience   certificate,   NOC   from   the employer, etc.), if applicable.
(xiii) The Envelope containing the Application should be super - scribed with the name of the post applied for: Deputy Manager (Technical).
(b)Offline Application:
(i)In  case,  the  Applicant  is  unable  to  apply Online,  he  may  send  his  duly  filled Application  form  as  per  the  format  enclosed  at the  address  mentioned  at  para
7 herein by Speed post / Registered post, so as to reach by 31.07.2017(6.00 pm).
(ii)The  application should    also   be enclosed  with  copies   of   following  self-attested documents:-

Proof of Date of Birth
Educational qualification
certificate (if applicable),
Valid GATE score
Other   supporting   documents   (viz.   Experience   certificate,   NOC   from   the employer, etc.), if applicable.
4.Other Important Conditions:
(a) The  Applicants  are  advised  to  fill  the  application  form  (Online or  Offline,  as  the case may be) carefully in accordance with the eligibility criteria mentioned above.
It  may  be  noted  that  any  subsequent  clarification  regarding  eligibility  etc.  at  a later date will not be entertained under any circumstances.
(b)The Upper age limit for the advertised post on Direct Recruitment basis is relaxable as per Govt. of India rules applicable for different categories (SC/ST/OBC/PwD).
(c)Only  such  persons  would  be  eligible  for  applying  against  the post  reserved  for Person  with  Disabilities  (PwD)  who  suffer  from  not  less  than  40%  of  relevant
disability  i.e.  Orthopedically  Impaired  (OH)  and  Hearing  Impaired  (HH),  duly supported  by  Disability  Certificate  issued  by  the  Competent  Authority,  as  per  the
instructions issued by Govt. of India, from time to time. 
5.Crucial date for determination of eligibility shall be the last date prescribed for the receipt of applications i.e. 31.07.2017.
6. Canvassing or bringing influence in any form will disqualify the candidature.
7.Duly filled Application   /   Application   Acknowledgementalongwith   requisitedocuments may be sent by Registered/Speed Post at the following address:-
Deputy General Manager (HR/Admn.-II)
National Highways Authority of India
G-5 & 6, Sector-10 Dwarka, New Delhi-110 075

8.If the Applicant anticipates delay in obtaining NOC from his/her parent department (if   applicable),   he/she   should   (a)   if   Online,   submit   Online Application   by 31.07.2017(up to 6:00 pm) on NHAI website and (b) if Offline, submit an advance copy of the Application on the address mentioned at para 7 above, so as to reach before the last date prescribed for the receipt of Applications i.e. 31thJuly 2017.
9.It may please be noted that the applications received through e-mail or fax shall be summarily   rejected.   The   Envelope   containing   the Application   /   Application Acknowledgment
should  be  super-scribed  with  the  name  of  the  post  applied  for:                  Deputy Manager (Technical).
10.Corrigendum  or  Addendum  or  cancellation  to  this  advertisement,  if  any,  shall  be published  only  on  the  website  of  NHAI.  Therefore,  the  Applicants  are  advised  to
check the website of NHAI regularly.

Deputy General Manager (HR/Admn.-II)
National Highways Authority of India
G-5 & 6, Sector-10 Dwarka, New Delhi-110 075

National Highways Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)
Recruitment of Deputy Manager (Technical) on
Direct Recruitment Basis
1.In  continuation  to the  Notice  published  in  Employment  News  08-14  October  2016, Hindustan Times  dated  27.09.2016  and  Navbharat Times  dated  29.09.2016,  National Highways  Authority  of  India  (NHAI)  invites  applications  for  40  posts of  Deputy  Manager (Technical) in the Pay Band –3 (Rs. 15,600 –39,100/-) with Grade Pay Rs.5400/-(in CDA pattern)  (as  per  6thCPC)  on  Direct  Recruitment  basis  through  GATE      scores  valid  as  on 31.07.2017, in the discipline of Civil Engineering. The number of the post advertised may increase or decrease at the discretion of the

For further details, please visit
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Jobs for DEGREE

Jobs for DEGREE

Jobs for DEGREE
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Corporate Identification No. U74140DL1955GOI002481
Inviting applications for Executive Assistant on Contractual basis NSIC,  one  of  the leading Mini-Ratna  Government  of  India  Enterprises under the Ministry  of  Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is looking for self-driven, proactive and young professionals to contribute in the multi-ferrous activities of the Corporation as per details given below :-

I.POST: Executive Assistant (On Contract)
II. VACANCIES: 16(ST-02, OBC-06, GEN-08)
III. UPPER AGE LIMIT: 35 years (Age relaxation as per Government rules)
Age Relaxation for ST–05 Years and OBC –03 Years

Note:- SC/PwD category candidates applying for the post shall be considered under General Standard of merit and no relaxation is upper age limit shall be available to them.
However, the upper age limit may further be relaxed in case of deserving candidates.

Graduation Degree from a recognized University with one year Certificate  or Diploma course in computers from a recognized Institute.
Only  the  following  Certificates/Diplomas  courses  in  computers  of  one  year  and  more duration along-with Graduation will be accepted and considered:
1) Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
2) Mechanic Computer Hardware
3) Desk Top Publishing Operator
4) DOEACC / NIELIT Computer Course ‘O’, ‘A’ and ‘B’ Level
5) Advanced Diploma in Software Technology
6) Advance
d Diploma in Computer Hardware and Networking
7) Computer Hardware and Networking
8) Diploma in Computer Application
9) Advanced Diploma in Computer Application
10) Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications
The  above  mentioned  courses  of  less  than  one year  duration  will  not  be  accepted  and considered. Besides  above,  the  following  Degrees  will  be  accepted  and  considered  as  equivalent  to
Graduation and one year computer course:-
1) Bachelor in Computer Applications
2) Master in Computer Applications
3) Bachelor of Science (Computer Science / Information Technology)
4) Bachelor in Information Technology
5) Master of Business Administration (Systems / Information Technology)
6) Graduation in Engineering (Computer Science / Information Technology)
Consolidated gross amount  of  Rs. 19,360/- per  month + conveyance allowance of Rs. 2,500/- for carrying out field duties.

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Sunday, 21 May 2017

Jobs in Chennai Tamilnadu CPCL

Jobs in Chennai Tamilnadu CPCL

Jobs in Chennai Tamilnadu CPCL
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited
(A group company of Indian Oil)
is a public sector undertaking & group of Indian Oil Corporation Limited. In the field of Hydrocaron processing with a refining capacity of 11.5MMTPA, having refinieries located in Chennai & Nagapatnam. in Tamilnadu.

  • Posts__ Qualifications:-
  • Jr. Engineering Assistant__Diploma or B.Sc
  • Jr. Quality Control Analyst__ Diploma or B.Sc
  • Jr. Engineering Asst__Diploma in EEE
  • Jr. Engineering Asst__Diploma in EIE/ECE
  • Jr. Engineering Asst__Diploma in Mech
  • Jr. Engineering.Asst__Diploma in Mech
  • Jr. Technical Assistant__10 pass+iTi
  • Jr. Marketing Assistant__BBA/BBM
  • Hindi Translator__MA(Hindi/English)
  • Jr.Account Assistant__BCom
  • Jr. Office assistant__any Degree
  • Total VACANCIES= 56
Age Limit= 27 years as on 31-5-2017
Upper Age relexation for SC.ST=05 years / OBC=03 years / PWD=10 to 13 years / Ex-ser=asper Govt. Norms

Candidates are ready to work in rotating shifts depending upon the work exigency
Reservations applicable as per Govt norms.

How to apply for CPCL jobs:-

  • Apply online:-
  • up to midnight of 31-05-2017
  • after downloading the registration slip, the candidates are required to enclose self-attested photocopies of all relevant documents/certificates in support of their age qualifications community etc and send them by POST / ordinary/speed post to;-
The Advertiser (Unit.CPCL)
 Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited
P.B.No. 99 GPO
Kolkata 700001
  • should reach within dt;- 08-06-2017
  • photograph / signature must be scan & upload on the application
  • take a print out of the application for future reference
  • Pay the necessary application fee online
  • SC.ST.PWD candidates are exempted to pay application (NO FEE)
  • candidates can apply for only one post
  • All qualifications must be recognize by the Government University.Institution,Board,etc.,,

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Jobs in Goa Shipyard

Jobs in Goa Shipyard

Jobs in Goa Shipyard Adv Ref No : 05/2017
Post ID : 05/2017/01
Job Type : Fixed Term Employment
Job Title : Management Trainee (Marketing)
Grade Name : E1
Pay Scale : 16400-3%-40500

Jobs -:

Essential Educational Qualification: 

Full time Graduation in Engineering from a recognized University / Institute AND Full time MBA/PGDM with (major) specialization in Marketing Management from a recognized University / Institute. The selected candidate will undergo “On the Job training” for a period of one year which may be extended if necessary. During the training period the candidate will be paid a basic pay of ?16,400/- per month in the pay scale of ? 16400-3%-40500 (E-1 grade) plus other allowances / benefits as applicable to Management Trainees in accordance with the GSL policy. On satisfactory completion of training, based on the company’s requirement and depending upon the performance during the training period, they may be considered for absorption as Assistant Manager (Marketing) on Fixed Term Employment basis in the E-1 grade carrying pay scale of ? 16400-3%-40500 or its equivalent as revised from time to time for a period of 3 years or as per the Fixed Term Employment policy in vogue. On satisfactory completion of the training and on absorption as Assistant Manager (Marketing) on fixed term employment, they will be given one increment in the scale. All Management Trainees considered for absorption as Assistant Manager will be on probation for a period of one year from the date of absorption as Assistant Manager. The period of 01 year as Management Trainee (or extended period as Management Trainee) will not be counted as service and for other consequential service benefits.
How to apply :
Kindly refer:-

Monday, 1 May 2017

Banking Jobs in Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2017

Banking Jobs in Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2017

Human Resource Management Division
Head Office: 7 Bhikhaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-1106
07 (TEL: 011---26102303 Ext.---26169603/26196491-26169603/2619649126169603/26196491-26169603/26196491)

Email ID: - -


1. Online Registration of Application starts from :26.04.2017                     
2. Last date for online Registration of Application & payment of fees:  12.05.2017           
Address : Punjab National Bank, Human Resource Management Division, 4
Floor, Head Office, 7 Bhikhaiji Cama Floor, Head Office, 7 Bhikhaiji Cama
Place, New Delhi  110607

Punjab National Bank invites online applications from Indian citizens for appointment in the position of General Manager-HR (Corporate) on contract basis.  Candidates are requested to apply online through link given in “Recruitment” section of PNB website, link Recruitment) or

Post Name:-   General Manager-HR (Corporate) 
Educational Qualification;- Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in Industrial Relations/Human Resources/Organizational Development from an institute of repute; At  least  15  years  of  post-qualification  work experience  in  the  field  of  Organizational Development, Human Resource Development and Industrial Relations; Exposure of working with a large geographically dispersed organization.

2 AGE BRACKET (as on 01.01.2017) :: 40 – 50  Years

The General Manager-HR(Corporate), will report to the Executive Director (HR)/MD&CEO.  
4. JOB PROFILE & SKILL SET REQUIRED :: Responsible  for  the  Bank’s  Human  Resources  strategy,  framework  and  systems,  ensuring  they  are  aligned to  the business objectives.  Custodian of the talent pool, HR systems, processes and frameworks and hence,  responsible for grooming and deploying talent to achieve organizational goals. Responsible for ensuring HR systems and processes are in alignment with the changing business demands and setting the direction of change with clear outcomes.

The General Manager(HR) will be responsible for 
•   Redesigning HR processes using PNB Leadership Competency Framework (PLCF);
•   Design  and  deploy  required  Talent  Management  and  Development  systems  and  processes  to identify  and groom talent;
•   Designing  and  deploying Learning  and  Development  systems,  processes  and  framework, which  would facilitate  design  and  delivery  of  appropriate  learning  and  development  interventions  to  inculcate  required leadership and functional capabilities;
•   Leading Organizational Developmental and Transformational initiatives as required;
•   Developing required systems, processes and frameworks to assess and impact of various change initiatives, developmental interventions on the enhancement of human capability of bank employees

•   3 years extendable at the discretion of the Bank.
•   The contract can be terminated at one months’ notice (or surrender of one months’ compensation in lieu thereof) on either side.

•   Attractive Compensation Package based on Qualification, Exposure & Experience.
•   Based at Delhi

•   The selection will be made on the basis of personal interview. 
•   Only shortlisted candidates will be called for personal interview.

 Merit List for selection will be prepared in descending order on the basis of scores obtained in interview.  

9. APPLICATION FEE (Non Refundable):               
For     SC/ST  Rs.     50/- (Only Postage) 
For     Others  Rs.1000/- Candidates  have  to  make  the  payment  of  requisite  fees  through  NEFT/RTGS/TRANSFER  in  the  following account:
Account Name ;-
PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK- Recruitment of GM-HR(Corporate) on contract basis
Bank Account No.  1988000103004543
IFSC Code  PUNB0198800

      The Official will be eligible for leave as under:
•   12 days Casual Leave (CL) in a year at the rate of 1 day for every month of service.
•   Privilege  Leave  (PL)  computed  at  one  day  for  every  11  days  of  service  on  duty,  provided  that  at  the commencement of service no PL can be availed of before completion of 11 months of service on duty.
•   If the Officer leaves the job during the contract period, Bank shall have the discretion to adjust the unavailed PL not exceeding 15 days per year against the notice period.
•   There will be no provision for leave encashment

Eligible  candidates  to  submit  applications  in  the  prescribed  format  which  is  available  on  the  Bank’s  website  Link  Recruitment.
Candidates  can  apply  ONLINE  only  from  26.04.2017  to  12.05.2017  and  no other mode of application will be accepted.
(1)  Payment of requisite fee as per item no. 9 
(2)  Candidates  are  then  required  to  go  to  the  Bank’s  website
Link  Recruitmentand  click  the  option “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE” to open the On-Line Application Form.
(3)  To register their application candidates will be entering the required information in the online application form. After that a provisional registration number will be generated
 by the system and displayed on the screen. 
(4)  Upload scanned photograph. Candidates are advised to carefully fill in the online application themselves as no change in any of the data filled in the online application will be permitted.

     Photocopies of the following documents:
(i)  Proof of Date of Birth
(ii)  Educational Certificates/Mark Sheets 
(iii) Caste certificate if applicable.
(iv) Experience certificates(containing area and period of service) 
(v)  Copies of relevant published work/research papers, if any.
(vi) Copy of fee receipt as a proof for payment of application fee deposited while applying online.

While  applying  for  the  post,  the  applicant  should  ensure  that  he  /  she  fulfills  the  eligibilityand  other  norms mentioned above and that the particulars furnished are correct in all
respects. In case it is detected at any stage of  recruitment  that  a  candidate  does  not  fulfill  the eligibility  norms  and  /  or  that  he  /  she  has  furnished  any incorrect  /  false  information  or  has
suppressed  any  material  fact(s)/information,  his  / her  candidature  will automatically  stand  cancelled.  Ifany of the above shortcoming(s) is / are detected even after appointment, his /
her  appointment  is  liable  to  be  terminated  without any  notice.    In  such  an  eventuality,  the  candidate may  also render himself/herself liable to criminal prosecuti

Mere submission of application against the advertisement and apparently fulfilling the criteria as  prescribed in  the advertisement  would not  confer  on  him/her any right  to be  called for
interview. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview.

The bank reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Bank may cancel/change recruitment process for the post notified in this advertisement, at  any stage, depending upon exigencies or otherwise. In case of cancellation of recruitment process, the candidates will  be  refunded  application  fees  deposited  by  them  while  applying  on-line.    Decision  of  the  Bank  in respect of all matters pertaining to this recruitment would be final and binding on all candidates.

Any notice/communication  meant  for  the  candidates  displayed  on  the  bank’s  website  or  sent  by Registered/Speed Posts or conveyed to the email id
mentioned in the application at the time of registration with the  Bank,  shall  be  deemed  to  be  sufficient  service  of  communication  upon  the  candidate,  for  all purposes.

Any dispute arising out of and/or pertaining to the  process of recruitment under this advertisement shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at NCT of Delhi.

The process of Registration of application is completed only when fee is deposited.

The candidate should be medically fit Candidate  should  have  a  valid  email  ID,  which  shall  be  indicated  in  the  application  and  kept  active  during  the currency of the recruitment exercise to receive call letter and other communication, if any.

Candidates called for interview will be paid Airfare (Economy)/ 2ND AC railway fare by shortest route in India.

Banking Jobs in Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2017

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