Monday, 17 April 2017


ओरिएंटल बैंक ऑफ कॉमर्स
Oriental Bank of Commerce Corporate Office, Gurgaon
Plot No. 5, Institutional Area, Sector-32, Gurgaon-122001



Post    MinimumAge MaximumAge as on 01.04.2017
Senior Manager (FA) –Chartered Accountant, Taxation)
Senior Manager (FA)-Chartered Accountant
Manager (FA) –Chartered Accountant
Assistant Manager (Financial Analyst)

The  candidates  have  to  apply  online  only  after  ensuring  that  they  are  eligible  in  all respects.

Opening date for online registration 07.04.2017
Closing Date for online registration (including from far flung areas) 26.04.2017
Payment of application fee Candidates  can  pay  application  fees  only through online mode.

The number of vacancies and also the number of reserved vacancies is provisional and may vary according to actual requirement of the Bank.
The reservation also includes the backlog of reserved vacancies. Please  note  that  the  reservation  in  respect  of  different  posts  in  each scale will be as decided by the Bank.
Candidates belonging to reserved category for which no reservation has been prescribed are free  to  apply  for  vacancies  under  General  category  provided  they  fulfill  the  eligibility  criteria
laid down for General category.

A  candidate  must  be  either  (i)  a  citizen  of  India  or  (ii)  a  subject of  Nepal  or  (iii)  a  subject  of Bhutan  or  (iv)  a  Tibetan  refugee  who  came  over  to  India  before  1st January,  1962  with  the
intention  of  permanently  settling  in  India  or  (v)  a  person  of  Indian  origin  who  has  migrated from  Pakistan,  Burma,  Sri  Lanka,  East  African  countries  of  Kenya,  Uganda,  the  United
Republic  of  Tanzania  (formerly  Tanganyika  and  Zanzibar),  Zambia,  Malawi,  Zaire,  Ethiopia and  Vietnam  with  the  intention  of  permanently  settling  in  India,  provided  that  a  candidate
belonging  to  categories  (ii),  (iii),  (iv)  and  (v)  above  shall  be  a  person  in  whose favoura certificate  of  eligibility  has  been  issued  by  the  Government  of  India.    A  candidate  in  whose
case  a  certificate  of  eligibility  is  necessary  may  be  admitted  to  the  examination/interview conducted by the Bank but on final selection the offer of appointment may be given only after
the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him by the Government of India.


Post:-Senior   ManagerChartered Accountant, Taxation)
Q:-Passed  the  respective CA  Exam  in  1st attempt from  “The  Institute  of Chartered  Accountants of India” Not    less   than 3 Years post qualification experience

Post:-Senior   Manager (FA) –Chartered Accountant,    Ind AS Cell)
Q;- Passed  the  respective CA  Exam  in  1st attempt from  “The  Institute  of Chartered  Accountants of India” Not    less   than   3 Years post qualification experience
Candidates with Diploma in IFRS/IndAs shall be given preference.

Post:-Manager (FA)-Chartered Accountant
Q:-Candidate should have passed the respective CA  exams  in  1st attempt *from “The Institute of  Chartered  Accountants  of  India”
with  or  without  experience  and  age  should  not  be more than 24 years as on the date of passing of the CA Final Examination.
Candidates  who  have  passed  the  respective CA  exams  from  “The  Institute  of Chartered Accountants  of  India” in   more   than   one attempt  should  possess  minimum  one  year
post   qualification   experience   in   financial sector.
*First attempt means passing both the groups of CA Inter as well as CA Final in single attempt (i.e. total two (2) attempts for passing CA exam)

All  Educational  Qualification(s)
should  be  from  a  recognized  University  /  Institute  /  Board recognised by Govt. of India / approved by Government Regulatory Bodies.

Posts:- Assistant Manager (FA)
Q:- Full   time   MBA   in   Finance/Full   time PGDBM of 02 years with specialisation in Finance/ Qualified Chartered Accountant/ICWA/CFA from a recognised university/institutes  recognised by the central government


Monday, 10 April 2017

Jobs in Hotel Management Librarian LDC

Jobs in Hotel Management Librarian LDC

(An Autonomous Body under Ministry of Tourism, Government of India)
A – 34, Sector-62, Noida 201309 (U.P.)
Advertisement No. 1/2017
Jobs in Hotel Management Librarian LDC
Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizen and eligible according to the requirement mentioned against each vacancy for filling up of the following;-

Post and Scale of Pay:- Director (Studies) PB-3 with GP Rs.7600 Pay level 12 as per 7th CPC

Educational Qualification:-First  class  Post  Graduate  in Hotel/Hospitality/Tourism Management/Administration with  3  years  Degree/Diploma in Hotel/Hospitality Management/Administration from  a  recognized  University/Council/Institute with minimum   55%   marks   or   its equivalent grade. OR Ph.D    in    Hotel/Hospitality Management/Administration

Age: up to 55 years

Post and Scale of Pay:- Assistant PB-2 with GP Rs.4200 Pay level 6 as per 7th CPC
Educational Qualification:Graduate    of    a    recognized University   with   at   least   five years office experience (knowledge of Central Government Rules) - Ability  to  use  Computer  is  an essential qualification.
Age: up to 32 years (Upper age limit is relaxablefor SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules

Post and Scale of Pay:- Librarian PB-1 with GP Rs.2800 Pay level 5 as per 7th CPC
Educational Qualification:-Graduate    with    Diploma    in Library Science and  minimum of  3-years  experience  in  the relevant field.  -Ability  to  use  Computer  is  an essential qualification.
Age: up to 32 years (Upper age limit is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules)

Post and Scale of Pay:- Lower Division Clerk (LDC) PB-1 with GP Rs.1900 Pay level 2as per 7th CPC
Educational Qualification:-10 th of    10+2    system    or equivalent with a typing speed of  30  w.p.m.  with  atleast  one year experience -Ability  to  use  Computer  is  an essential qualification.
Age: 18 -27 years (Upper age limit is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules)

1) Apply on plain paper indicating the;-
(a) Post Applied or;
(b) Name; (c) Age as on 6.5..2017;
(d) Nationality;
(e) Whether SC/ST/OBC;
(f) Complete Postal address;
(g) Qualification;
(h) Experience (tabulated in chronological order);
(i) Present Post, Pay Scale & Pay;
(j) Minimum pay expected; and
(k) Any other relevant information.(Attach all the relevant documents in support of qualification, experience, date of birth and category belong)

2) In case of  employee  of  Central/State  Govt.,  Public  Sector/Undertaking/Central  Autonomous  Bodies  only  such candidates  should  apply  who  are  willing  to  come  on Deputation/
transfer basis and while forwarding by the employer, the application should accompanied by attested copies of ACRs for the last 5 years.

3) In case any candidate employed in the Govt./Quasi or Semi Govt. organizations and applying against direct recruitment vacancies, must apply through proper channel.
4)The application should be addressed to Director (A&F) on the above given address, subscribing on the top of the envelope -“Application for the post of  “_______________”.
5) Applications along with all enclosures must reach this council by 6th.May.2017 positively.
6) No TA/ DA will be paid to the candidate, who will be called for Written test or Personal Discussion.
7) The Council reserves the right to short list the applications, fill or not to fill any vacancy.

Other details:-

Saturday, 8 April 2017

TNPSC Jobs Recruitment 2017

 TNPSC Jobs Recruitment 2017

 - Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Applications  are  invited only through  online  mode from  candidates up to 13.04.2017
for direct  recruitment for  the  post  of Assistant  Director  of  Industries  and  Commerce (Industrial Co-operatives) It is mandatory for the applic ants to register their basic particulars through one time online  registration  system  on  payment  of  Rs.150/-(Rupees  One  Hundred  and  Fifty only)
towards registration fee and then should apply online for this recruitment.
The One-Time  Registration  will  be  valid  for  5  years  from  the  date  of  registration.
Thereafter, the registration should be renewed by paying the prescribed fee.

vacancies : Assistant Director of Industries   and   Commerce (Industrial Co-operatives)
Scale of Pay Rs.15,600-39,100/-+ Grade PayRs.5400/-(PB-3)

NOTIFICATION NO: 09/2017 DATED: 15.03.2017
Last  date for  submission  of application through online 13.04.2017

Last  date  for  payment  of  Examination Fee through Bank (State Bank of India / Indian Bank) 17.04.2017
Date of Written Examination:
16.07.2017 FN
16.07.2017 AN

10.00 AM to 1.00 PM
2.30 PM to 4.30 PM

Applicants who   have   already   registered   in   One   Time Registration system paying Rs.50/-
before 01.03.2017and those who have registered for One- Time Registration on or after  01.03.2017  by  paying  Rs.150/-are  exempted  from paying the registration fee for this recruitment.
b)Written Examination Fee
The  Examination  fee should  be  paid at  the  time  of submitting the online application for this recruitment if they are not eligible for the concession noted below

Category Concession Condition
(i)    Scheduled    Castes    /Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyars),  Scheduled Tribes Full Exemption--
(ii) Differently Abled Persons, Destitute Widow of all communities Full Exemption
(i)    For  Disabled  persons,  the disability should be not less than40%.
(ii) For DWs, the DW certificate should  have  been  obtained  from the RDO / Sub Collector
(iii)  Most  Backward  Class  /Denotified Communities, Backward   Classes   (Other than Muslim) and BCM
Those  who  have  not availed three free chances  so  far  in  any of the previous recruitment  may  avail exemption from payment of examination fee.
Should  not  have  availed  three free   chances   in   any   of   the previous recruitment
(iv)   Ex-Servicemen Those  who  have  not availed two freechances  so  far  in  any of the previous recruitment  may  avail exemption from payment of examination fee.
(i)    Should  not  have  availed  two free   chances   in   any   of   the previous recruitment.
(ii) Fee concession will not apply to  those  who  have  already  been recruited  to  any  class  or  service or category.
3i.The three / two free chances referred to above are not for EACH POST but for ANY THREE  /  TWO  APPLICATION  ONLY.  The  claim  for  exemption  from  payment  of
examination fee made in any application which is rejected / admitted or withdrawn will be counted as a free chance availed.
ii.Failure to pay the prescribed fee along with the application in- time will be liable for rejection of application.
iii. If the fee concession claimed in the application exceeds the admissible limits announced above, the application will be rejected.

(as   on    15.03.2017

Applicants should  possess the  following  or  its  equivalent  qualification
awarded  by an University (or ) Institutionrecognised by the University Grants Commission on the date of this notification:-
A Master’s degree in Commerce with Co-operationas a subject
A Master’s Degree in Economics
A Master’s Degree in Mathematics
A Master’s Degree in Statistics
A Master’s Degree in Co-operation
M.A Degree in Co-operative Management awarded by Ghandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University)
M.Com Degree without Co-operation as a subject awarded by Bharathidasan or Annamalai University
A Diploma of Associate members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
Post   Graduate   Diploma   in   Agricultural   Economics   and Co-operation  awarded  by  the  National  Council  for Rural Higher Education.

(i) The  qualification prescribed  for this post should  have  been  obtained  by  passing  the required qualification in  the  order  of  studies,
10th+HSC or  its  equivalent  + Bachelor’s degree/PG Degree / Diploma/ PG Diplomaas the case may be.
(ii) The qualifications ordered equivalent to the prescribed qualification are indicated in  Annexure-I  to  this  notification.  (Refer  also  to  the  disclaimer  annexed  to  the notification.)

For further details;-
Knowledge of Tamil:-
Applicants should  possess  adequate  knowledge  of  Tamil  on  the  date  of  this Notification.(For details refer para 11 of the Commissions’‘Instructions to Applicants’)

A.The rule of reservation of appointments is applicable to thepost.
B. In    G.O.(Ms).No.145,    Personnel    and    Administrative    Reforms(S)    Department, dated30.09.2010   and   G.O.Ms.No.40,   Personnel   and   Administrative   Reforms(S)
Department, dated 30.04.2014 the Government have issued Orders to fill up 20% of all vacancies in direct  recruitment  on  preferential  basis  to  persons  who  studied  the
prescribed  qualification  in  Tamil  Medium.  The  20%  reservation  of  vacancies  on preferential  allotment  to  Persons  Studied  in  Tamil  Medium  (PSTM)  will  apply  for  this
recruitment.  (Applicants claiming this  reservation  should  have  studied  the  prescribed qualification for the post in Tamil Medium and should have the certificate for the same.
Having written the examination in Tamil language alone will not qualify for claiming this preference).  If  the applicants with  PSTM  certificate  are  not  available  for  selection  for
appointment against reserved turn such turn shall be filled up by Non-PSTM candidates but  belonging  to  the  respective  communal  category.  The  PSTM certificate shall  be
produced  /uploaded  by  the  applicant  in prescribed  format  /  proforma  available  in  the Commission’s  website  at ‘
which shall  be  obtained from  the  Head of the  Institution  when  called  for by  the  Commission.
The  Degree  in  Arts  or  Science  or Commerce   or  professional   degree   should   have   been   studied in   Tamil   Medium.
However,  turns  earmarked for  PSTM  does  not  fall  within  the  turns  utilised  for  this recruitment.
The  number  of  vacancies  advertised is  only approximate  and  is  liable for modification including reduction with reference to vacancy position at any time before finalization of selection.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

KPSC Recruitment Notification 2017

KPSC Recruitment Notification 2017

Apply Online for 571 Group C Posts: KPSC Recruitment Notification 2017
KPSC Karnataka Public Service Commission has published notification for the recruitment of 571 Group C (Non Technical) vacancies in various departments. Eligible candidates may apply online from 15-03-2017 to 15-04-2017 by 11:45 hrs. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee & how to apply are given below

KPSC Vacancy Details:-

Total No. of Posts: 571
Name of the Post: Group C  (Non Technical): A. Graduate Level: 246 Posts
1. Chief Officer Grade – 2: 34 Posts
2. Accountant: 26 Posts
3. First Grade Revenue Inspector: 37 Posts
4. Accounts Assistant: 149 Posts
B. Non Graduate Level: 325 Posts
5. Residential School Teachers: 123 Posts
6. Junior Accounts: 42 Posts
7. Library Assistant (Dept of Collegiate): 29 Posts
8. DEO: 01 Post
9. Bill Collector: 101 Posts
10. Marketing Assistant: 25 Posts
11. Library Assistant (Karnataka Govt Secretariat Lib.): 04 Posts

Age Limit:
Candidates age limit should be minimum 18 years and maximum 35 years for General, 38 years for 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B Category & 40 years for PWD candidates.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Bachelor’s Degree or high qualification in respective Trade from any recognized University for Sl No. A & SSLC/ PUC/ Diploma in respective trade from authorized Institute for Karnataka PSC Group C Non Technical Jobs for Sl No. B.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on written examination and merit.

Application Fee: Candidates should pay Rs. 300/- for General candidates, Rs. 150/- for 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B Category & Rs. 25/- for PWD candidates through online by using debit card/ credit card/ net banking. No fee for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through the website from 15-03-2017 to 15-04-2017 by 11:45 hrs.

Instructions to Apply Online:
1. Before applying online, candidates should have valid email id & need to scanned photograph, documents.
2. Log on through the website
3. Click on Apply Online Admission tickets
4. Again click on “Click here to Apply Online for Group C Non Technical Posts in Various Departments”
5. Login yourself & fill all the details, upload the photograph, documents & payment details and submit the form.
6. After submission, take a printout copy of online application for future use.

Important Dates:
Starting Date to Apply Online: 15-03-2017
Last Date to Apply Online: 15-04-2017 by 11:45 hrs
Last Date for Payment of Fee: 17-04-2017 by 11:45 hrs

For more details like salary, reservation, experience & other information click:-