Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Airport Jobs in Delhi Punjab UP Uttarakhand MP Rajasthan Himachal Pradesh JK

Airport Jobs in Delhi Punjab UP Uttarakhand MP Rajasthan Himachal Pradesh JK

Airport Jobs in Delhi Punjab UP Uttarakhand MP Rajasthan Himachal Pradesh JKAirport Jobs in Delhi Punjab UP Uttarakhand MP Rajasthan Himachal Pradesh JK

Airports Authority of India

(A Public Sector Enterprise)

Airport Authority of India Jobs in Delhi Punjab UP Uttarakhand MP Rajasthan Himachal Pradesh JK

Recruitment for the Post of Junior Assistant (fire)
in Northern Region in above states.

  • 84-vacancies of "Junior Assistants - NE-4 lvel"

  • Passed in Intermediate/PUC/10+2
  • OR
  • Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical / Automobile / Fire)
  • Driving License 
 Age Limit for Airport Jobs:-
  • The Age limit is 18 to 30 years as on 01-10-2017
  • Age Relaxation for SC.ST=05 years
  • for OBC=03 years
  • for other categories as per the Govt norms. 
Selection process of Airport Jobs:-
  • Written Examination & Physical Test
  • Medical Fitness / Certificates verification

 How to apply for Airport Jobs in Delhi Punjab UP Uttarakhand MP Rajasthan Himachal Pradesh JK:-

  • Apply ONLINE only:-
  • Scan Photograph & Signature for upload online
  • Pay required fee online
  • Scan relevant documents / certificates
  • take a printout of online application 
  • Mention candidate's own E-mail / Mobile No for future correspondence
  • Carefully read all instructions before online appllication;-
 For Authentic information / Updated Information visit the official webportal of
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Thursday, 21 September 2017

iTi Apprenticeship Training

 iTi Apprenticeship Training

 iTi Apprenticeship Trainingहिन्दुस्तानकॉपर लऱलिटेड
 िऱांजखण्डताम्र पररयोजना
Advertisement No.: HCL/MCP/HR/Apprentice/2017
Date: 01/09/2017

Engagement of ITI Trade Apprentices under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 Applications are invited inthe prescribed format from Indian Nationals, for  the under mentioned ITI  trades,
who  have  passed  Industrial  Training  Institute  Examination  from NCVT/SCVT affiliated  institutes  and  possess  the  requisite  educational  qualification  as
mentioned against  each  trade.  Candidates are  required  to apply in the prescribed format along with the copies of self attested certificates and passport size photographs.
The candidates who have passed prior to the year 2015 should attach an Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 50 duly attested by a Magistrate or Notary Public to the effect
that they have neither undergone apprenticeship training earlier nor have taken employment anywhere.

Sl. No. Trade No. of vacancies Educational Qualification Technical Qualification;

  • Electrician 25 Matric/Secondary/10th Passed ITI exam in Electrician 
  • Armature Winder 02 Matric/ Secondary/10th Passed ITI in Armature Winder
  • Mechanic Diesel 10  Matric/ Secondary/10th Passed ITI exam in Mechanic Diese
  • Welder (G&E) 07  Matric/ Secondary/10th Passed ITI exam in Welder
  • Fitter  10  Matric/ Secondary/10 th Passed ITI exam in Fitter
  • Turner  05   Matric/ Secondary/10th Passed ITI exam in Turner
  • AC & Refrigeration Mechanic  02  Matric/ Secondary /10th Passed ITI in AC & Refrigeration Mechanic
  • Draughtsman Mechanical 03  Matric/ Secondary/10th Passed ITI Draughtsman Mechanical
  • Draughtsman Civil 03 Matric / Secondary/10th Passed ITI Draughtsman Civi
  • Surveyor  03   Matric/ Secondary/10th Passed Passed ITI Surveyor 
  • Carpenter 03 Matric/ Secondary/10th Passed Passed ITI  Carpenter
  • Plumber 02 Matric/ Secondary/10th Passed Passed ITI Plumber 
  • Total 751
How to apply: 
Applications in prescribed format (attached as Annexure-I),
complete in  all  respect along with self-attested  copies  of  academic  and  technical  qualification certificates, caste certificate, Affidavit (if applicable) etc, and 2 passport size photographs
should  be  sent  to  “Assistant  General  Manager  (HR&A),  Hindustan  Copper  Limited, Malanjkhand Copper Project, Tehsil:-Birsa, P.O.-Malanjkhand, District Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh –481116”

on  or  before 26th Sep  2017.
Application  received after the due date shall not be considered.
The  envelope  should  be  superscripted with “Application  for Trade Apprentice for Trade..............................”
2.Candidates  shall  ensure  that  Application  form  is  neatly  filled  and  all  the  documents  are attached.  Application  with  incomplete  information  and/or  not  accompanied  with  following
documents are liable tobe rejected and no correspondencein this regard will  be entertained.
a. Self   attested copies   of   all   certificates/mark   sheets/testimonials   regarding   age, qualifications,caste.
b.Candidates who have passed prior to the year 2015, must attach an Affidavit on Non judicial stamp paper duly attested by Magistrate or Notary Public to the effect that they have  neither  undergone  Apprenticeship  Training  earlier  nor  have  taken  employment anywhere
c.Copy of  AADHAR ID card.
d. Candidates should register themselves through the website and submit the registration ID proof.
3.Maximum age limit is 25 years as on 01st Sep 2017.
Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (OBC with Valid Non Creamy Layer Certificate) and 10 years for Persons with Disability (PWD) candidates.
4.Candidate  belonging  to  ST/SC/OBC  (Non  creamy  layer)  categories  shall  enclose  the certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format.
5.Date  of  reckoning: 
Date  of  reckoning  for  eligibility  shall  be 01st Sep  2017. 
Any certificate/document issued after the cut-off date shall not be acceptable.
6.Selection  Procedure:-
Selection  of  candidates for engagement  as Trade Apprentices shall be made through multiple choice written test of eligible shortlisted candidates.
Company  reserves  the  right  to shortlist candidates  for  written  test,  if  the  number  of applications  for  all  or  any  trade  is  very  large,  in that case  criteria  to  shortlist  will  be
aggregate marks obtained in qualifying academic/technical qualification.
7.The candidates who are shortlisted on the basis of written test will have to confirm to the standards of physical fitness as prescribed for engagement as trade apprentices.
8.No weightage shall be given for those with higher qualification.
9.Date and venue of written test:
The likely date of written test is 08th Oct 2017, and venue will  be “DAV  HCL  Public  School Malanjkhand”,  Malanjkhand
Copper  Project,  District-Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh)-481116. Candidates are advised to visit
company’s website
from time to time for any changes/update. 10.
This is mere an opportunity for getting trained for improving employability of the candidates and there  is  no  scope  for  employment  in  HCL/MCP after completion of the
Apprenticeship Training.
11.Stipend will be payable to the selected candidates during the period of apprenticeship as per Government rules.
12.The vacancy in individual trades may vary within the overall indicated vacancy number of 75 ITI trade apprentices. Decision to this effect shall be solely at the discretion of the HCL management.
13. Admitcard for written test shall be sent through email only.  However candidates Submitting the application in person can collect the admit card in person, one week before
the scheduled date of written test, from the office of the Assistant   General Manager(HR&A)/MCP.  Please  give  active  email  address and  keep  it  valid  for  atleast
two years. Company shall not be liable for non-receipt of admit card sent through email due to wrong email ID or any other reason.
14.In case of deviation in name/surname/name spelling mentioned in the application with that in the certificates pertaining to education/technical qualifications/caste/etc.,  the  applicant
shall be required to submit a certificate from SDM or equivalent to this effect failing which the candidature shall be liable to be cancelled.
15.TA/DA etc. for appearing in written Test will not be admissible.
16.Reservation criteria shall be followed as per government directives.
17.Amendments  /  Modification  /  Corrigendum:
Any amendment / modification / corrigendum in respect of this Advertisement shall only be communicated through the Company’s website
Hence, candidates are advised to keep themselves updated by visiting the website from time to time for updates, etc.

For & on behalf of Hindustan Copper Limited
Malanjkhand Copper Project

Please fill in BLOCK Letters. Incomplete applications shall be rejected.

Asst General Manager(HR&A)
Malanjkhand Copper Project
P.O-Malanjkhand Tehsil-Birsa
Dist:-Balaghat Madhya Pradesh-481116

Ref: -Advertisement No. HCL/MCP/HR/Apprentice/2017
dated 01/09/2017

1.Name of the Trade
2.Name of Applicant
3.Father’s name in full
4.Address for Correspondence with Pin Code
5.Date of birth & age as on 01/09/2017
6.Category Mark GenSCSTOBC(Non-Creamy layer)
7.Aadhar No.
8.Mobile No.
9. E-mail ID
10.Candidate Registration no.(As enrolled in website
11.Academic Qualification Board/Institute
Maxm Marks Obtained
Marks % of Marks
Year of passing
11. Technical Qualification
Passed Maxm Marks Obtained
Marks% of Marks
Year of passing

Please paste (not pin) arecent passport size colored photograph Undertaking:
I,  hereby,  certify  that  the  information  provided  above  is  true  to the best of my knowledge and in case it is found to be false or incorrect or suppressed, the contractual engagement shall be liable to be terminated forthwith without prejudice to any legal/ disciplinary action as deemed fit  by the Management. I have gone through the full text of the advertisement and agree to all the conditions detailed therein.

(Signature of candidate)

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Engineering Jobs in Gujarat

Engineering Jobs in Gujarat

(A Government of India Undertaking under Ministry of Railways)
Regd.Office: 6thFloor, Tower-III, Delhi Technology Park, Shastri Park, Delhi-110053
Corporate Office: Plot no. 143, Sector-44, Gurgaon -122003
Website:, CIN:U64202DL2000GOI107905

No. RCIL/2017/P&A/44/25 Date: 07/09/2017

Vacancy Notice for Recruitment of Technical Personnel in Gujarat State(On Contract Basis)
RailTelCorporation of India Limited, a Mini-Ratna (Category-I) Public Sector Undertaking under
Government  of  India  invites  applications from  young  and  energetic Indian  citizens for  the  following;-

Technical  Posts(on contract  basis) for  implementation  of  National  Optic  Fiber  Network  (NOFN)
project covering the State of Gujarat

S.No.  Name of the post   Number of vacancies  Place of posting
1  Assistant Engineers               38                       Anywhere in the State of Gujarat.
2  Sr. Manager                            7-                            do

i)Ex-servicemen having requisite educational/professional qualifications and experience are encouraged to apply.
ii) Rules  of  reservation  for  candidates  under  reserved  category  would  be  applicable  as  per extant  instructions/guidelines  on  the  subject  matter  issued  by  Govt.  of  India  from  time  to
time and as applicable for work-charged posts.
iii)Numbers of vacancies are liable to change depending on requirement of projects.
iv)Recruitment  on  the  above-mentioned  posts  are  specific  to  project  in Gujarat  state.    Thus, candidates selected against these posts are not entitled to seek transfer out of this area.
v)As the written test /interviews for both the above-mentioned posts are likely to be held on the same day, candidates are advised to apply for any one post only

Tenure  of  Contract:
The  period  of  contract  shall  be  for two years,  which  may  further  be extended based on mutual consent and requirement. However, the contract may be terminated
at any point of time depending on performance of the contract employee (to be reviewed every year) and/ or under administrative exigencies

Important Dates:
Opening Date / Time for On-line Registration of Application:- 07/09/2017 at 12.00 noon
Last Date / Time for of Completion of Online Registration of application:- 27/09/2017 at 12.00 noon

Essential  Qualifications  &  Other  Eligibility  Criteria:-

  • The  applicant  should satisfy  parameters pertaining   to   Experience   /   Eligibility   criteria   including   education/professional   qualifications, Skills/Experience required etc., as given in
  • Annexure-I:-
  • Diploma (3yrs. Course) with min. 55%  marks or equivalent CGPA, in any one of the following branches:-
  • Electronics & Communication Engg.
  • or-
  • Telecommunications Engg.
  • or -
  • Electronics Engg.
  • or-
  • Electrical Engg.
  • or-
  • Electronics & ElectricalEngg
  • or -
  • Computer Science
  • or -
  • Information Technology
  • or -
  • any other combination of branches where Electronics is one of the branches like Electronics & Instrumentation
  • OR
  • ii) BE/B.Tech/B.Sc.(Engineering) or equivalent engineering Degree with min. 55%  marks or equivalent CGPA, in any one of the following branches: -
  • Electronics & Communication Engg.
  • or -
  • Telecommunications Engg.
  • or -
  • Electronics Engg.
  • or -
  • Electrical Engg.
  • or-
  • Electronics & Electrical Engg.
  • or-
  • Computer Science 
  • or -
  • Information Technology
  • or -
  • any other combination of branches where Electronics is one of the branches like Electronics & Instrumentation
  • OR
  • iii)Master in Computer Applications (MCA) - with min. 55%  marks or equivalent CGPA

For Senior Engineer Posts:-

  • BE/B.Tech/B.Sc.(Engineering)or equivalent engineering Degree with min. 55%  marks or equivalent CGPA, in any one of the following branches: -
  • Electronics & Communication Engg.
  • or-
  • Telecommunications Engg.
  • or-
  • Electronics Engg.
  • or-
  • Electrical Engg.
  • or-
  • Electronics & Electrical Engg.
  • or-
  • Computer Science 
  • or-
  • Information Technology
  • or-
  • any other combination of branches where
  • Electronics is one of the branches like Electronics & Instrumentation
  • OR
  • ii)Master in Computer Applications (MCA)-with min. 55%  marks or equivalent CGPA

How to Apply:-
i) Only online registration shall be considered. Application through any other mode shall not be entertained. Applicants shall have to pay the application-processing fee of Rs.
200/-(Rs.100/-D:\Office\Apptt. for NOFN-2017 & Beyond\Vacancy notice-detiled-Gujarat.docx\3for  SC/ST/PwD).  The  fee  will  be  collected  through  payment  gateway  only  during  online
registration process. Any processing charges towards the same plus GST etc., if any, will have to  be  borne  by  the  applicant. Application  fee  once  paid  will  not  be  returned  under  any circumstances.
ii) RailTel will not  be responsible in case of broken transaction during online  payment process. It  is  the  responsibility  of  applicant  to  ensure  that  payment  has  been  made  successfully.
Fee through any other mode of payment, like demand draft, pay order, cheque, postal orders or challan will not be accepted.
iii) Candidates are advised in their own interest to register on-line much before the last date and time.
They  should  not  wait  till  the  last  date /time of  on-line  registration  to  avoid  any possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on to RailTel’s website on account of
heavy load on internet/ website jam/disconnection /other network problems.
iv) RailTel  does  not  assume  any  responsibility  for  candidates not  being  able  to  submit  their application within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason
beyond the control of RailTel.
v) The  applicants  are  required  to  have  valid  e-mail  identification & mobile  number.  They  are advised  to  read  the  Instructions  for  Online  Submission  of  Applications  and  then  proceed further.


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